Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic, Session 3: High School Age

(Apr 15, 2021)

Please join Rep. Danielle Friel Otten and Rep. Christina Sappey for a virtual series on Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic. We will discuss how the pandemic has affected the mental health of children and young adults in different age groups, what resources are available to help them, and how parents can access available resources. We’ll hear from counselors and health care providers, and we’ll reserve plenty of time for Q&A. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (April 9): Chester County now vaccinating members of Phases 1A, 1B and 1C

(Apr 09, 2021)

On Thursday, the Chester County Health Department announced that COVID-19 vaccination appointments are now available for everyone in Phases 1A, 1B, and 1C. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (April 1): Expanding coronavirus vaccine eligibility

(Apr 01, 2021)

This week has brought us some very welcomed vaccine news, beginning with Chester County’s launch of its new vaccine scheduling and registration system on Monday. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 26): Working for your from Harrisburg to home

(Mar 26, 2021)

The House was back in session this week and last. Last Wednesday, we expected to vote on legislation to push through emergency action for adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, but our vote was derailed mid-day. Read more


Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic, Session 2: 3rd - 7th grades

(Mar 17, 2021)

Please join Rep. Danielle Friel Otten and Rep. Christina Sappey for a virtual series on Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic. We will discuss how the pandemic has affected the mental health of children and young adults in different age groups, what resources are available to help them, and how parents can access available resources. We’ll hear from counselors and health care providers, and we’ll reserve plenty of time for Q&A. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 12): How I'm working to bring more vaccines to Chester County

(Mar 12, 2021)

Vaccines continue to be the number one issue on constituents’ minds, and my colleagues and I continue to push for answers and increased supply to our region. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 3): Vaccines for educators are on the way

(Mar 03, 2021)

In my last email newsletter, I asked constituents who had received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine and had their second dose canceled or “unconfirmed” by their provider to contact our office. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 19): New web series: Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic

(Feb 19, 2021)

On Thursday evening, my friend Rep. Christina Sappey and I hosted the first event in our four-part virtual series on Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic. This first session focused on how the pandemic has affected the mental health of children ages Pre-K through 2nd grade. Read more


Watch here: Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic: Pre-K to 2nd Grade

(Feb 18, 2021)

A panel on youth mental health and the pandemic focusing on the Pre-K to 2nd Grade years. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 12): Coronavirus vaccine updates

(Feb 12, 2021)

Vaccine distribution remains the number one issue on constituents’ minds. We’ve shared a lot about why and where things went wrong; now let’s talk about what needs to be done to fix it, and where we are finally seeing some signs of hope and progress. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 5): House passes economic relief legislation

(Feb 05, 2021)

Concern about access to the COVID vaccine continues to be the number one issue I’m hearing from constituents, and I wanted to provide an update on what we know so far. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 1): Legislative Updates and Vaccine Information

(Feb 01, 2021)

Over the past week, my office has received more emails and phone calls about vaccine distribution than any other issue. Folks are understandably eager to register for a vaccine, frustrated by a lack of clear information, and concerned that vaccines are not being distributed equitably or fairly. Read more


Climate Caucus budget letter

(Jan 29, 2021)

Letter to Gov. Wolf from the legislative Climate Caucus detailing requests to consider for his upcoming budget address. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Jan. 15): Leading the Climate Caucus this Legislative Session

(Jan 19, 2021)

Last week, I received my committee appointments for the 2021-2022 session. This session, I will be serving on the Environmental Resources & Energy, Aging & Older Adult Services, and Human Services committees. Read more


Otten, Guenst, Krajewski elected to lead Pennsylvania Legislative Climate Caucus

(Jan 13, 2021)

EXTON, Jan. 13 – State Rep. Danielle Friel Otten, D-Chester, was elected this week to serve as House chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Climate Caucus for the 2021-2022 legislative session. House members of the Climate Caucus also elected first-term legislators Rep. Nancy Guenst, D-Montgomery, to serve as vice chair and Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., to serve as secretary. Otten will serve as co-chair of the bicameral, bipartisan caucus with senate chair Sen. Steve Santarsiero. The Climate Caucus seeks to uphold the environmental rights granted under the Pennsylvania Constitution, raise awareness on legislation, appropriations and related matters surrounding environmental justice, the need for a renewable energy future, and the urgency of climate change as our most existential threat. “I am thrilled to collaborate with this talented group of legislators on our collective goals and to elevate climate issues as they relate to public health and safety, our state and local economies and the future of our planet,” Otten said. “Climate change is a leading international issue of our time, and I am committed to the intersectional work of addressing the many areas of our state government impacted by climate change and moving Pennsylvania forward.” "It’s an honor to serve as vice chair of our Climate Caucus with the leadership of chair Danielle Friel Otten,” Guenst said. “By ensuring that legislative proposals and Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Jan.8): Swearing in and upholding our democracy

(Jan 08, 2021)

With the holidays behind us and a new year upon us, I hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing and much-needed break. While the challenges of 2020 are far from over, I am filled with hope for the year ahead. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Dec. 23): Happy Holidays!

(Dec 23, 2020)

As we near the end of 2020 and enter the holiday season, I want to pause to wish each of you the peace and love of the season and hope for the new year ahead. Read more


WEEKLY E-BLAST (Dec. 18): Vaccine & Small Business Grant Info

(Dec 18, 2020)

Last Friday, I hosted a virtual Community Resource Town Hall, where we were joined by speakers from Chester County Food Bank, Legal Aid of Southeastern PA, the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services, and Communities that Care of Greater Downingtown. Read more Local Resources Virtual Townhall

(Dec 15, 2020)

Watch my Dec. 11 Virtual Local Resources Townhall here. Send your questions to Read more


RepDanielle Town Hall 12_11_2020

(Dec 15, 2020)

RepDanielle Town Hall 12_11_2020 Read more


Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic, Session 3: High School Age
Apr 15, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (April 9): Chester County now vaccinating members of Phases 1A, 1B and 1C
Apr 09, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (April 1): Expanding coronavirus vaccine eligibility
Apr 01, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 26): Working for your from Harrisburg to home
Mar 26, 2021

Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic, Session 2: 3rd - 7th grades
Mar 17, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 12): How I'm working to bring more vaccines to Chester County
Mar 12, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (March 3): Vaccines for educators are on the way
Mar 03, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 19): New web series: Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic
Feb 19, 2021

Watch here: Youth Mental Health and the Pandemic: Pre-K to 2nd Grade
Feb 18, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 12): Coronavirus vaccine updates
Feb 12, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 5): House passes economic relief legislation
Feb 05, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Feb. 1): Legislative Updates and Vaccine Information
Feb 01, 2021

Climate Caucus budget letter
Jan 29, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Jan. 15): Leading the Climate Caucus this Legislative Session
Jan 19, 2021

Otten, Guenst, Krajewski elected to lead Pennsylvania Legislative Climate Caucus
Jan 13, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Jan.8): Swearing in and upholding our democracy
Jan 08, 2021

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Dec. 23): Happy Holidays!
Dec 23, 2020

WEEKLY E-BLAST (Dec. 18): Vaccine & Small Business Grant Info
Dec 18, 2020 Local Resources Virtual Townhall
Dec 15, 2020

RepDanielle Town Hall 12_11_2020
Dec 15, 2020