Help Us Address the Housing Crisis Amid COVID-19 By Taking Our Survey

(Aug 13, 2020)

Pennsylvania House Democrats seek your experiences relating to the housing crisis in light of COVID-19. Read more


Fiedler announces Housing Working Group to tackle rent and mortgage issues during COVID-19 pandemic

(Aug 13, 2020)

HARRISBURG, August 13 – Today, state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., announced the formation of a statewide Housing Working Group to deal with the impact of COVID-19 and address the serious housing needs of renters and homeowners across her legislative district and the commonwealth. “The goal of this working group I helped create with the House Democratic Caucus is to give our constituents a direct way to share their opinions and experiences with us and with the governor. Everyone should have a place to call home always, but especially during this pandemic.” The Housing Working Group will bring together lived experiences from residents across Fiedler’s district and the commonwealth, as well as draw on internal multidisciplinary support in the fields of urban affairs, human services, local government and more. Members of the Working Group have dedicated themselves to pushing for a variety of legislative and executive actions to ensure everyone has a place to call home. Fiedler encouraged Pennsylvanians to share their experiences and to voice their opinions by completing a new public online form launched today by House Democrats. The form will remain open for public comment for a week, after which lawmakers will process and submit it to the governor with their recommendations for action. The state’s foreclosure and eviction moratorium is slated to expire on Aug. 31. Fiedler said part of her motivation for Read more


COVID-19 South Philly Update

(Aug 07, 2020)

To save the lives of our loved ones and neighbors, and to protect our healthcare and other frontline workers, we need to keep the case numbers down by wearing a mask and by distancing. Read more


184th district newsletter with COVID-19 updates and guidance

(Jul 31, 2020)

COVID-19 cases continue to increase in our area. If we are to protect ourselves, our family, our neighbors, and our health care system, it is vital “that everyone wear a face covering." Read more


184th Newsletter with COVID-19 updates and community resources

(Jul 24, 2020)

After weeks of declining cases, Pennsylvania, and the City of Philadelphia, are both seeing a new rise in COVID-19 cases. Read more


184th District Newsletter

(Jul 17, 2020)

Unfortunately, there has been a significant increase in the number of COVID-19 cases among younger age groups in Pennsylvania - particularly in 19- to 24-year-olds. Read more


Weekly district newsletter with COVID-19 news and guidance

(Jul 10, 2020)

Good news for renters and property owners! The moratorium on evictions & foreclosures has been extended until August 31st. Read more


Representatives Fiedler and Hill-Evans pen letter to Gov. Wolf urging extension of eviction moratorium and additional protections for Pennsylvanians

(Jul 07, 2020)

In light of the COVID-19 public health emergency, state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Carol Hill-Evans, D-York, on Monday sent a letter signed by 43 PA House Democratic Caucus colleagues to Gov. Tom Wolf urging him to extend the state’s eviction moratorium, currently set to expire July 10. “Anyone who has moved to a new home knows the physical, logistical and emotional toll a move can take, especially if children are in the home.” Fiedler said. “In cases where a forced move occurs due to eviction or foreclosure, trauma often compounds the financial instability that prompted the initial inability to pay.” In their letter, the legislators emphasize that public health predictions indicate COVID-19 will continue to take a toll on families and the economy well into next year and highlight the need to plan for that scenario. “For months, we have encouraged people to stay home as much as possible. Our constituents need and deserve to have that roof over their head,” the letter states. Fiedler and Hill-Evans express ed their appreciation for steps the governor has already taken and urged him to go further. The letter calls for extending the foreclosure and eviction moratorium until Dec. 31, offering additional financial relief for homeowners, renters and landlords, and charting a longer-term plan to Read more


Calling on Governor to Extend Eviction Moratorium

(Jul 07, 2020)

State Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler joined her House colleagues in sending the governor a letter, calling on him to extend the eviction moratorium until December 31, as well as provide additional financial help for homeowners, renters and landlords. Read more


4th of July, green phase, #MaskUpPA, SEPTA card updates, and more

(Jul 02, 2020)

Pennsylvania’s careful and measured COVID-19 reopening plan is considered a model to emulate, both nationally and internationally. However, the virus is not gone. Read more


Office re-opening, rent assistance, small business relief, and more

(Jun 26, 2020)

My office has reopened for scheduled appointmentsalongside remote services continuing by phone and email. Read more


South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update

(Jun 20, 2020)

During these difficult times our office is receiving a very high volume of phone calls and emails. We’re working hard to serve you and thank you for your patience. We will get back to you! Read more


Newsletter: protecting lives, PUA updates, Yellow Phase information, and other resources

(Jun 12, 2020)

Conditions continue to change rapidly during this public health emergency. Read more


Philadelphia House Delegation leaders welcome Gov. Wolf’s action on police reform and accountability

(Jun 04, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, June 4 – Leaders of the House Philadelphia Delegation today praised Gov. Tom Wolf for acting on concerns raised by delegation members and Philadelphia public officials. On the heels of public protests in Philadelphia and across the nation following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, Wolf today outlined a proposal to improve law enforcement relations with the community and strengthen training and accountability, especially as it relates to institutional racial targeting and discrimination by law enforcement. “Since May 25, the day a bad police officer knelt on George Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes while other bad police officers stood by and did nothing, the nation and world have risen up in protest to say enough is enough and demand change,” said Philadelphia Delegation Chairman Jason Dawkins, D-Phila. “Today, Governor Wolf has set Pennsylvania on a course to making that happen. I thank the governor for hearing our collective voices and working with us to address the concerns of the unheard. I am proud of the work that has been done by the Police Reform Working Group, who started working on these reforms long before Mr. Floyd sadly took his last breath.” The Police Reform Working Group, of which Dawkins is a member, includes state and local elected lawmakers, the chief defender of the Defender Association of Philadelphia, as well as several attorneys. Earlier this week the working group put Read more


South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update 05/29

(May 29, 2020)

Conditions continue to change rapidly during this public health emergency. Review this newsletter for most up-to-date information. Read more


Philly lawmakers outraged over GOP secrecy in positive COVID-19 case at state Capitol

(May 27, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 27 – State Reps. Jason Dawkins, Malcolm Kenyatta and Elizabeth Fiedler, all leaders of the Philadelphia Delegation in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives, today said they were stunned upon learning the news that House Republican leaders kept secret the fact that a state legislator who worked among fellow lawmakers and staff tested positive for COVID-19. State Rep. Andrew Lewis, R-Dauphin, said in a news release today that he tested positive for COVID-19 on May 20 and informed the “House of Representatives” and the Republican Caucus human relations department. Lebanon County Republican Rep. Russ Diamond also said today he was aware of it on May 21. Dawkins said that while Republicans may have been informed of Lewis testing positive for the deadly virus, and while multiple Republican members went into self-quarantine as a result, not a single Democratic lawmaker was informed, including Democratic leadership. “To say I am outraged at this reckless behavior by House Republican leadership is an understatement,” said Dawkins, chairman of the delegation. “Any lawmaker or staff who came in contact with this representative during committee meetings and during House session was put at risk. And, in turn, they may have put their own families at risk. The withholding of this information is a blatant disregard of human life and the seriousness of the COVID-19 pandemic that has killed thousands of Read more


Joint Policy Hearing Focuses on Pandemic Funding for Childcare Centers

(May 27, 2020)

Investing in childcare centers is investing in the next generation, our children. As a working mom with two young kids I know just how important it is to have great childcare right in the neighborhood, providing safe, reliable care. Childcare centers are places of learning, growing and nurturing for our children, and we need to do everything we can to support them so that when working parents are at work, their doors are open! Read more


Newsletter: COVID-19 updates, unemployment compensation, PUC, property tax rebates and more

(May 22, 2020)

Most recent updates on the COVID-19 public health situation are compiled in this newsletter to ensure easy access to resources for constituents. Read more


Free To-Go Meals Still Available in South Philly

(May 22, 2020)

Free To-Go Meals Are Still Available in South Philly, 11:30am - 1pm Daily. Read more


Newsletter: COVID-19 numbers, UC, evictions moratorium, and other news

(May 16, 2020)

This COVID-19 update is designed to facilitate the flow of information between health and government officials and the residents of our community. Read more


Help Us Address the Housing Crisis Amid COVID-19 By Taking Our Survey
Aug 13, 2020

Fiedler announces Housing Working Group to tackle rent and mortgage issues during COVID-19 pandemic
Aug 13, 2020

COVID-19 South Philly Update
Aug 07, 2020

184th district newsletter with COVID-19 updates and guidance
Jul 31, 2020

184th Newsletter with COVID-19 updates and community resources
Jul 24, 2020

184th District Newsletter
Jul 17, 2020

Weekly district newsletter with COVID-19 news and guidance
Jul 10, 2020

Representatives Fiedler and Hill-Evans pen letter to Gov. Wolf urging extension of eviction moratorium and additional protections for Pennsylvanians
Jul 07, 2020

Calling on Governor to Extend Eviction Moratorium
Jul 07, 2020

4th of July, green phase, #MaskUpPA, SEPTA card updates, and more
Jul 02, 2020

Office re-opening, rent assistance, small business relief, and more
Jun 26, 2020

South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update
Jun 20, 2020

Newsletter: protecting lives, PUA updates, Yellow Phase information, and other resources
Jun 12, 2020

Philadelphia House Delegation leaders welcome Gov. Wolf’s action on police reform and accountability
Jun 04, 2020

South Philadelphia COVID-19 Update 05/29
May 29, 2020

Philly lawmakers outraged over GOP secrecy in positive COVID-19 case at state Capitol
May 27, 2020

Joint Policy Hearing Focuses on Pandemic Funding for Childcare Centers
May 27, 2020

Newsletter: COVID-19 updates, unemployment compensation, PUC, property tax rebates and more
May 22, 2020

Free To-Go Meals Still Available in South Philly
May 22, 2020

Newsletter: COVID-19 numbers, UC, evictions moratorium, and other news
May 16, 2020