Dawkins applauds $500K grant for Frankford Community Development Corp.

(Dec 20, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 20 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., applauded today Gov. Tom Wolf and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s decision to award $500,000 through the Keystone Communities Program to the Frankford Community Development Corporation for site preparation activities at 5113-17, 5119 and 5129-35 Frankford Ave. Grant funds through the Keystone Communities Program are designed to foster relationships between the public and private sectors that work to support local initiatives that grow and support neighborhoods and communities. “The Frankford Community Development Corporation is a great partner to the residents of the district,” Dawkins said. “These mixed-use developments will go a long way toward promoting and improving quality of life in the district. I’m glad to see the state investing in our community in this way.” Read more


Dawkins Expresses Concern and Disappointment over Krasner Impeachment

(Nov 18, 2022)

Pa. state Rep. Jason Dawkins points out that DA Larry Krasner was twice elected by the people of Philadelphia to serve as their District Attorney and says these efforts go against the will and votes of the people he represents. Read more


Philadelphia Commissioners find over 3,400 flawed mail/absentee ballots

(Nov 07, 2022)

This weekend, the Philadelphia Commissioners announced that they’ve found over 3,400 mail-in and absentee ballots that are either missing the secrecy envelope, missing a signature, missing a date, or have a potentially incorrect date on the return envelope. The commissioners have provided a list of voters who returned ballots that may not be able to be counted for the above reasons. You can view the list at the links below: No signature No date Potentially incorrect date Not enclosed in a secrecy envelope The city commissioners strongly advise that if you see your name on one of these lists, you request a replacement ballot at the County Board of Elections office in City Hall Room 140 on Monday, November 7th from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm; or on Election Day from 7:30 am – 7:30 pm to avoid the potential rejection of their ballot. Voters unable to travel to the Board’s office due to a disability may authorize a designated agent to pick up a replacement ballot and/or return a completed ballot using the Designated Agent Form . For the full press release from the city commissioners, click here . Polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 8, and you can find your polling place here . Read more


Dawkins announces additional $1.5 million in funding for local project

(Nov 01, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 1 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., announced today that an additional $1.5 million in Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant funds will be going to Frankford Community Development Corporation for Frankford Transportation Center - Transit Oriented Development. This project will be a mixed-use development located at 5129-35 Frankford Ave., 5119 Frankford Ave. and 5113-17 Frankford Ave., and will consist of a supermarket, a municipal health center and mixed income housing. “I am pleased to see the state continue to invest money into our community and to assist the amazing people at the Frankford CDC with their ongoing work on this project,” Dawkins said. “I believe they have an immense positive impact on the area.” SEPTA has also expressed interest in being included in future Transit Oriented Development. The funds will go toward construction. Read more


Dawkins condemns GOP for hypocrisy in Philly DA probe

(Oct 27, 2022)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, chairman of the House Democratic Philadelphia Delegation, responded to the House Republican Caucus’ announcement that they intend to draft and run legislation to impeach Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner. House Republicans announced their intent for impeachment during a news conference in the Capitol Complex on Wednesday. “This week’s news conference confirms the Republican obsession with District Attorney Larry Krasner,” Dawkins said. “I find it interesting that the Select Committee report, which was just released Monday, didn’t mention or recommend impeachment. But here we are, a few days later, hearing the Republican majority leader announce articles of impeachment without the participation of the Select Committee’s chairman from Chester and Lancaster counties. “We also heard that the Select Committee chairman was ‘blindsided’ by his party’s decision to move with impeachment. What is happening in the Republican caucus? The filing of articles of impeachment against the Philadelphia district attorney are nothing short of a wasteful sham, used to disenfranchise Philadelphia voters and spend taxpayer money that could be better used anywhere else. Appropriately timed less than two weeks before an election, it is political gamesmanship and frivolous, and played out at the expense of Philadelphians, whose will as voters has been Read more


Dawkins secures $500,000 for Frankford Affordable Living

(Oct 27, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 27 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., today announced that his community has been awarded $500,000 in state grant funding for reconstruction of 4363 Frankford Ave. in the city. “This is the kind of improvement we need to continue to breathe life into the community,” Dawkins said. “I will continue to do my part to bring the necessary resources and funds to support Philadelphia and Philadelphians.” The building at 4363 Frankford Ave. is an abandoned three-story brick structure, which will be redeveloped with new doors, windows, wall flooring, HVAC systems, insulation, security and roofing. Read more


Dawkins comments on dismissal of charges against former Philly police officer in 2017 killing of David Jones

(Oct 12, 2022)

Such a ruling by the judiciary undermines constituents’ faith in our system of government and results in them holding the perception that their votes are those of second-class citizens and will make no difference. Perceptions of this nature are dangerous as they undermine our democratic system, creating an endless cycle of hopelessness and fear of the authorities. Fear eliminates the belief that justice is blind and elicits a view that lady justice herself is willing to turn a blind eye to the plight of those seeking justice in particular zip codes. Read more


Have a Fire Safety Plan!

(Oct 06, 2022)

Fire Prevention Week + Fighting Hunger in Phila. Read more


Dawkins discusses GOP hypocrisy in Krasner impeachment probe

(Sep 26, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 26 – Chairman Jason Dawkins of the Philadelphia Delegation of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives issued the following statement after meeting with Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner today in Center City. “Today’s meeting was about something the Republican Majority that has controlled state government for decades never did – get the facts and have an honest conversation,” Dawkins said. “Instead, the GOP has gone back to the same tired playbook - stirring fear in their base about the state’s largest city and biggest economic driver – combined with their newest obsession of overturning a free and fair election when the results don’t go their way. “If the Republican majority is so concerned with crime in Philadelphia, then why do they oppose funding for our children and why do they deny the city’s elected officials the right to write their own gun safety laws like banning assault weapons? “We’ll welcome them when they are ready to work toward real solutions that don’t involve using the victims of gun violence as political pawns.” According to Dawkins, the hyper partisan, so-called House Select Committee on Restoring Law and Order that is “investigating” Krasner is scheduled to meet in Philadelphia later this week. Read more


Dawkins applauds grants for Pre-K Counts and Head Start

(Aug 02, 2022)

State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., applauded Gov. Tom Wolf today for maintaining his promise to invest in education in the commonwealth by awarding more than $384 million to Pre-K and Head Start Programs in Pennsylvania. The money allotted to these programs will deliver funding to two child learning centers in Dawkins’ legislative district. Amazing Kidz Academy LLC received $800,000 and Heavenly Daycare and Learning Center Inc. was awarded $200,000 to help more children receive quality education. The funding was made available through the PA Department of Education’s Office of Child Development and Early Learning and will open up 2,960 additional Pre-K Counts slots and provide Head Start with funding to cover the costs of operation. Dawkins said the funding for these programs will go a long way to help reduce quality-of-life issues that plague Philadelphia and the entire commonwealth. " Reducing gun violence, poverty and addiction in our communities begins with a good education before children even get into school, so I'm happy to see this funding for our local Pre-K schools and the opening of additional slots for Head Start through the School District of Philadelphia. The importance of early education is clear, and I appreciate Governor Wolf's administration investing in our children and families," Dawkins said. The funding will assist 37,213 children in accessing affordable Read more


Dawkins calls on legislature to focus on budget, not personal politics

(Jun 29, 2022)

“We have a state budget due in one day. Let’s focus on that. Let’s focus on getting money to our schools and to our communities. We must end this absurd political theater that’s meant to distract from the real issue – which is that the legislature must do something about gun proliferation and gun violence and not tie the hands of cities like Philadelphia when it comes to enacting sensible gun reforms.” Read more


Statement on behalf of PA House Philadelphia Delegation on mass shooting in Texas

(May 25, 2022)

Let us be very clear: the senseless violence we have seen unfold in Texas and Buffalo is the direct result of years of inaction by the government when it comes to commonsense gun reform. While mass shootings are occurring at an extremely alarming rate, some of those in government continue to prevent any gun reform legislation from seeing the light of day. How many families need to be destroyed, how many children’s bodies do we have to step over to see gun reform happen? Representative Rob Kauffman, chair of the House Judiciary Committee, has flat-out stated that if he is in charge, the gun laws in Pennsylvania will never change. Our question for Representative Kauffman is: Why are we as Americans so afraid of having to submit to a background check? Does the right to own a gun trump the right for our children to live happy and safe lives? At what point do we say enough is enough? Read more


Dawkins announces $1 million state grant for Frankford Community Development Corporation

(Apr 22, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, April 22 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., announced today a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant worth $1 million has been awarded for Frankford Community Development Corp.’s supermarket development. This project will ensure that Frankford residents and transit customers have access to affordable, fresh, healthy food and affordable health care. The FTC TOD project will consist of a mixed-use development anchored by a full-service supermarket. Additionally, Frankford CDC is seeking to include a health center offering an array of health and wellness services. “With all the high levels of food insecurity across Philadelphia, combined with the pandemic, it is more important than ever that our residents have access to affordable, healthy food and affordable health care,” Dawkins said. “I am happy to see this grant money being awarded to the Frankford Community Development Corporation, as I believe it will be a big help to many Frankford residents.” Read more


House Philadelphia Delegation congratulates city for infrastructure awards

(Apr 20, 2022)

HARRISBURG, April 20 – The Pennsylvania House of Representative’s Philadelphia Delegation congratulated the City of Philadelphia on its receiving state funds to go ahead with several street and school projects and upgrades for ADA improvements and cyclists around the city. Gov. Tom Wolf and state Transportation Secretary Yassmin Gramian today announced the approval of funding for 64 projects to improve transportation alternatives and enhance mobility and public accessibility across the state, five of which are destinated for Philadelphia. The Office of Transportation, Infrastructure and Sustainability and Streets Department will receive: $1 million for a streetscape, side path/trail and intersection safety upgrade project that completes a major gap in the Philadelphia and Circuit trail network. Upon completion, trail users will connect to the Pennypack Trail and the East Coast Greenway, safely allowing passage from Northeast Philadelphia neighborhoods to the national East Coast Greenway (both completed portions and soon-to-be constructed portions). $1 million to replace painted pedestrian areas on Chestnut Street, with concrete pedestrian islands to elevate pedestrian safety along the corridor and expand the project area west to 63rd Street. $1 million for Logan Square sidewalk modernization at the Swann Memorial Fountain, including updating eight outdated ADA ramps and replacing approximately 18,000 square feet of Read more


Cephas, Tartaglione announce $25.6M in funding for maternal, child health

(Apr 14, 2022)

PHILADELPHIA, April 14 – State Rep. Morgan Cephas and state Sen. Christine Tartaglione, along with fellow lawmakers and the Wolf administration, today announced $25.6 million in American Rescue Plan funding to be allocated for a new maternal and child health initiative in Pennsylvania. The funding announcement also coincides with Black Maternal Health Week, April 11-17 . “With the promise in this funding, we are putting money into solving maternal mortality and working to address the social determinants of health that contribute to the crisis we are experiencing across Pennsylvania," Cephas said. “The administration’s opting Pennsylvania into extended Medicaid was a major move to start solving part of the crisis now, as well. That program began April 1, and the initiatives we’re announcing today are going to reach millions of more birthing parents and children through doula services, targeted services, healthy eating pilot programs and lead remediation.” “Our democratic counterparts in the US House and Senate sent Pennsylvania billions of dollars in the American Rescue Plan to reinvest to strengthen our commonwealth,” Tartaglione said. “We cannot let the historic opportunity afforded to us pass without making life-changing and crucially needed investments in historically disinvested communities. The allocation of this grant money will help Temple Woman’s and Infant’s Hospital finally open Read more


Philadelphia House Democrats’ statement on Fairmount house fire

(Jan 05, 2022)

“Our hearts go out to the families of those who tragically lost their lives and to those who were injured in today’s house fire in the Fairmount section of Philadelphia. Such a horrific loss of life shakes us to our core, especially when we hear seven children are included in this terrible number. We pray the number of lives lost does not rise. No year should ever start out like this, with such a tragic loss of innocent life. Poverty should never be a death sentence. There are many questions that we will have for the Philadelphia Housing Authority about how this tragedy came to pass, but right now our focus must be on sharing our prayers, grief and condolences as one community in mourning.” Read more


Philadelphia House Democrats release statement on S.B. 565

(Nov 16, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 16 – The Democratic members of the Philadelphia House Delegation and Chairman Jason Dawkins released a statement addressing the passage of S.B. 565. The bill would rescind the requirement for gun owners to have a permit to carry a firearm, openly or concealed, across the state including in Philadelphia, and would lower the minimum age which someone can carry from 21 to 18. “This year, the city of Philadelphia has suffered at the hands of gun violence, suffering 1,563 nonfatal and 391 fatal shootings as of Nov. 14. Mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, and friends are all saying goodbye to loved ones who fall at the hands of offenders with guns. It is a nightmare that gets worse with each passing day. Instead of providing good guidance on the state level, the majority party is busy introducing bills that repeal good safety measures to keep Pennsylvanians, and especially Philadelphians, safe. “This is not a fight we will let go lightly. We will continue to work with local officials, and certainly our fight continues at the state level, to make sure that commonsense gun laws and practices are in place. It is irresponsible for the party in charge, our Republican counterparts, to allow this dangerous legislation to be approved. It should never have hit the House floor in the first place.” Read more


LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners

(Nov 01, 2021)

As winter approaches and we prepare to spend even more time indoors, utility bills are only going to get more expensive. Additionally, we know that the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn have made it difficult for many to keep up with home energy bills. No Pennsylvanian should ever have to worry that their heat will be shut off during the coldest and darkest months of the year. The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally funded program administered by the Department of Human Services (DHS) that provides assistance for home heating bills so Pennsylvanians can stay warm and safe during the winter months. Assistance is available for both renters and homeowners. LIHEAP helps some of the commonwealth’s most vulnerable citizens — children, older Pennsylvanians, people with disabilities, and low-income families — make ends meet. Anyone who may need help, or anyone who has loved ones or neighbors who could benefit from this program, is encouraged to apply for LIHEAP today. APPLY FOR LIHEAP LIHEAP FACTS How do I apply for LIHEAP? Depending on preference, different options are available to apply for LIHEAP: Apply online: Pennsylvanians can apply at www.compass.state.pa.us . Paper applications: Call the LIHEAP Helpline at 1-866-857-7095 to request a paper application. Paper applications can also be downloaded from the DHS LIHEAP web page . County Assistance Office (CAO) services are available if clients Read more


Dawkins statement on Rep. Boyle

(Sep 28, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 28 – Chairman of the Philadelphia Delegation state Rep. Jason Dawkins released a statement in response to Gov. Tom Wolf’s remarks regarding state Rep. Kevin Boyle. “Gov. Wolf today called for our colleague, state Rep. Kevin Boyle of Philadelphia, to step down amid his arrest for harassment and violation of a protection from abuse order. These are serious issues and will be dealt with by Kevin and his family. “While not an excuse, it’s important to know that Kevin is dealing with mental health issues and is presently seeking treatment. The governor graciously indicated that Kevin deserves to have treatment for mental health issues but said ‘I think while he goes through that treatment, he should not serve in the legislature.’ “The governor’s statements lack sympathy, genuine concern, and an overall understanding of what people with mental health issues, and their families, go through. Philadelphia has more than 17% of adults diagnosed with a mental health condition, with the next highest counties coming in at 15% and below. Philadelphians also average more days of poor mental health than the state or national average. “The governor also missed the opportunity to talk about what we need to do to stem the ever-growing tide of those suffering from mental health conditions. We could certainly be putting more support, financial and otherwise, behind local and statewide programs to help those Read more


Dawkins announces more than $6 million in PCCD crime prevention grants in Philadelphia

(Sep 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 8 – State Rep. Jason Dawkins, D-Phila., announced more than $6 million in crime prevention grants, largely gun violence prevention grants, across Philadelphia have been awarded through the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency. The statewide grant program is dedicated to breaking cycles of violence and substance abuse in communities across the commonwealth. “This grant program will help organizations and applicants working hard to help stop gun violence and crime in our communities, and who are always looking for resources and funding to help in the fight,” said Dawkins, who is chairman of the House Philadelphia Delegation. “These groups put forth every effort into making a difference in their communities and at a time when gun violence is plaguing the city. Without them, I don’t know where the city would be. We need to support their work at every possible turn to help finally eradicate the rise in all forms of violence we are witnessing every day.” In Dawkins’ 179 th Legislative District, the Anti-Violence Partnership of Philadelphia was awarded a $150,000 grant through PCCD’s Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program. The funding will be used to address gun and other violence, school safety and transportation safety as well as good paying jobs, job training, family resources and high school graduation rates. More information about the Pennsylvania Read more


Dawkins applauds $500K grant for Frankford Community Development Corp.
Dec 20, 2022

Dawkins Expresses Concern and Disappointment over Krasner Impeachment
Nov 18, 2022

Philadelphia Commissioners find over 3,400 flawed mail/absentee ballots
Nov 07, 2022

Dawkins announces additional $1.5 million in funding for local project
Nov 01, 2022

Dawkins condemns GOP for hypocrisy in Philly DA probe
Oct 27, 2022

Dawkins secures $500,000 for Frankford Affordable Living
Oct 27, 2022

Dawkins comments on dismissal of charges against former Philly police officer in 2017 killing of David Jones
Oct 12, 2022

Have a Fire Safety Plan!
Oct 06, 2022

Dawkins discusses GOP hypocrisy in Krasner impeachment probe
Sep 26, 2022

Dawkins applauds grants for Pre-K Counts and Head Start
Aug 02, 2022

Dawkins calls on legislature to focus on budget, not personal politics
Jun 29, 2022

Statement on behalf of PA House Philadelphia Delegation on mass shooting in Texas
May 25, 2022

Dawkins announces $1 million state grant for Frankford Community Development Corporation
Apr 22, 2022

House Philadelphia Delegation congratulates city for infrastructure awards
Apr 20, 2022

Cephas, Tartaglione announce $25.6M in funding for maternal, child health
Apr 14, 2022

Philadelphia House Democrats’ statement on Fairmount house fire
Jan 05, 2022

Philadelphia House Democrats release statement on S.B. 565
Nov 16, 2021

LIHEAP: Expanded Home-Heating Assistance is Available to PA Renters, Homeowners
Nov 01, 2021

Dawkins statement on Rep. Boyle
Sep 28, 2021

Dawkins announces more than $6 million in PCCD crime prevention grants in Philadelphia
Sep 08, 2021