Conklin introduces bill to better protect victims of domestic violence

(Jan 27, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 27 – State Rep. Scott Conklin announced he will soon introduce a measure that would require those under Protection from Abuse orders in connection with a domestic violence case to wear an electronic monitoring device. Conklin, D-Centre, said nearly half of states across the country permit electronic monitoring in such cases, and it’s time for Pennsylvania to do the same. “Almost 11 years ago, Traci Ann Raymond Miscavish, a dear family friend of mine, was murdered by her estranged husband at her workplace, who she had filed a PFA order against,” Conklin said. “She had previously expressed her fear of him, notably because he had firearms and had repeatedly threatened to murder her. Had he been ordered to wear a GPS monitoring device when the PFA order became final, she might be alive today. Study after study has shown that the presence of a firearm increases the likelihood of a domestic violence situation turning deadly, and my measure, once signed into law, will indeed save more lives.” Conklin added that while Act 79, passed in 2018, requires a person who is under an active PFA order to turn over their firearms to local law enforcement within 24 hours of conviction, it still does not reduce the threat of additional violence toward a victim of domestic violence. More information on Conklin’s pending legislation can be found at the following link: Read more


Conklin announces plans to introduce resolution to honor Capitol Police

(Jan 15, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 15 – Following the insurrection that took place at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., earlier this month, today state Rep. Scott Conklin announced plans to introduce a resolution to honor members of the U.S. Capitol Police. “On January 6, our nation’s Capitol came under attack, and the intent of those who took part in the insurrection focused on hurting, maiming, and possibly kidnapping or killing legislators, executive branch officials and staff within the entire Capitol Complex,” Conklin said. “These brave men and women not only protected our sacred Capitol, but they were ready to lay down their lives in defense of our country, and as we know, one officer did die while answering the call. It’s only right that we take this opportunity to honor them for the work they do to keep all of us safe.” More information on the resolution can be found at the following link: . Read more


Conklin sworn in for eighth term in state House

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, today took the oath of office, beginning his eighth term representing the 77 th Legislative District. “I am honored to again serve the great communities throughout Centre County and look forward to working with my colleagues to advance smart and sensible priorities,” said Conklin. “The most immediate concern is working together to help our residents who continue to be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, I will continue to work to support policies and initiatives to protect and preserve our state’s wonderful natural resources.” Conklin was also chosen to serve an additional term as Democratic chair of the House Gaming Committee. Known as First Tuesday, today’s swearing-in ceremony in the House chamber marked the beginning of the 205 th legislative session. Read more


Conklin announces $162K grant to Penn State to improve health of streams and rivers

(Dec 30, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 30 – Pennsylvania State University has been awarded a $164,422 Growing Greener grant to support Master Watershed Steward Program operations in Adams, Crawford, Erie, Franklin, Schuylkill and Warren counties, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced today. Conklin, D-Centre, said the program works with residents, local governments and conservation organizations to train volunteers to work with communities to enhance and protect the health of streams, rivers and other natural resources. “It’s vital that each one of us plays a role in protecting the great natural resources in our state, and the Master Watershed Steward Program is instrumental in educating and empowering residents to keep and maintain clean waterways and natural resources now and for generations to come,” said Conklin. This grant is funded through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Growing Greener Program, which supports projects throughout the state designed to enhance watersheds, mitigate acid mine drainage, and support water pollution cleanup programs. More information can be found at the following link: Read more


Conklin announces nearly $2.3 million in grants to help victims of crime, prevent juvenile delinquency, promote criminal justice efforts

(Dec 14, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 14 – Grants totaling $2.29 million to support several community and criminal justice efforts in Centre County have been awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced. Conklin, D-Centre, said the funding comes from several grants awarded by PCCD at its most recent quarterly commission meeting. “Now, more than ever, our providers in the criminal justice and victim services fields are feeling the strain and facing enormous demands due to the pandemic, and this funding will help them continue to help our communities and provide the vital support for training, staff or program needs,” said Conklin. Conklin said the grants awarded include the following (broken down by specific PCCD committee): Victims’ Services Advisory Committee -- funding earmarked to help victims of crime: Centre County (STOP Violence Against Women Project): $125,000. Center County Commissioners (funds to support victim witness service agency): $311,090. State Violence and Delinquency Prevention Program and Department of Human Services --funding to support programs and services to prevent juvenile delinquency: Pennsylvania State University (funds to be used for its resource center to improve local juvenile justice services and curb recidivism among juvenile offenders): $1.91 million. Pennsylvania State University (funds to be used to support Read more


Rep. Conklin 2021 Web Calendar

(Dec 07, 2020)

Rep. Conklin's 2021 Capitol Scenes calendar is available to download. Read more


Conklin announces nearly $77K in school safety grants

(Nov 16, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Nov. 16 – State Rep. Scott Conklin today announced approximately $76,879 in Safe Schools Targeted Grants earmarked for the State College Area School District and to three private schools in Centre County. Conklin, D-Centre, said the grants, awarded by the state Department of Education, are aimed toward preventing and reducing violence incidents. The funds can also be used to purchase safety and security-related equipment and provide training and compensation of school resource and police officers. “Our schools can – and should – be safe places to learn, and these funds are wise investments to ensure they remain safe environments for students, teachers and staff,” Conklin said. PDE’s Office for Safe Schools offers four types of safety grants: equipment grants of up to $25,000; program grants of up to $20,000; school police officer grants of up to $40,000; and school resource officer grants of up to $60,000. The grants are designed to help schools to: Reduce unnecessary student disciplinary actions and promote an environment of greater productivity, safety and learning. Enhance anti-violence efforts between schools and parents, local governments, law enforcement and community organizations. A school police officer grant in the amount of $39,999 was awarded to the State College Area School District. Equipment grants were awarded to the following schools: Nittany Christian Read more


Conklin: $37K in grants awarded to area volunteer fire, EMS companies

(Oct 09, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, Oct. 9 – Approximately $37,036 in crisis grants have been awarded to two local volunteer fire companies, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced today. Conkin, D-Centre said the grants were awarded by the Office of State Fire Commissioner to offset expenses related to the pandemic. “Our fire and EMS companies have been hurting across our state, especially because they haven’t been able to conduct normal fundraising activities and are beyond essential in responding to emergencies in our communities,” Conklin said. “This funding will be a huge help to keep these companies open and ready to answer the call.” The grants were awarded to the following companies: Alpha Fire Co. : $25,342. Reliance Fire Co. No. 1 : $11,094. The funding may be used for operational expenses, including apparatus repair, fuel, personal protective equipment, utilities, insurance and lost revenue related to pandemic restrictions. The grants may also be used for cleaning, sanitizing and disinfecting equipment and property or other expenses needed to prevent the spread of disease. The funds must be used for expenses initiated on or after March 6 and completed on or before Dec. 30 to be eligible for the grant program. Additional information is available here . Read more


Conklin: $50,000 awarded along Susquehanna River watershed

(Oct 02, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, Oct. 2 – A $50,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources will help support and protect waterways along the Susquehanna River Watershed, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced. Conklin, D-Centre, said the Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant will allow the Chesapeake Conservancy Inc. to begin construction of 7 acres of riparian forest buffers to help control erosion and keep the waterways clean. “These proactive steps we take now will ensure our Susquehanna River stays beautiful and clean for years to come,” Conklin said. “It’s important we do all we can to protect our environment for future recreational opportunities for our residents and visitors alike, and this grant is certainly a step in the right direction .” C2P2 grants fund planning, acquisition and development of public parks, recreation areas, motorized and non-motorized trails, river conservation and access, and conservation of open space. More information is available here . Read more


Conklin releases statement regarding House postponement

(Oct 01, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Oct. 1 – State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, issued the following statement regarding today’s postponement of House session due to state Rep. Paul Schemel, R-Franklin, announcing he tested positive for the COVID-19 virus: “Yet again, the people’s business was shut down, because House members who believe that COVID-19 is a hoax refuse to wear a mask on the House floor, not to mention House leadership continues to hold up any action on a masking resolution. Now, just weeks before Election Day, every member exposed to Representative Schemel must quarantine for 14 days. “I pray for a speedy recovery for him, but what is it going to take to get House leadership to enforce masking rules at the state Capitol? “The people’s business has now been placed on hold until Oct. 19 because of their political grandstanding. We face serious challenges in the coming months, and it’s time for these cynical games to stop! “We must enact safe measures to keep the House open and working for the people we were elected to represent.” Read more


Conklin: More support needed for frontline workers responding to pandemic

(Aug 26, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, Aug. 26 – State Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, has joined several of his colleagues in urging the Wolf administration to take action to help frontline workers across Pennsylvania, especially those who have not received hazard pay. Conklin said last week’s announcement of $516,000 in federal CARES grants to employers so they could offer their employees hazard pay was helpful, but it left out emergency medical services staff, grocery store employees, pharmacy technicians and many other frontline employees. “I understand that these grants are, by nature, limited and do contain restrictions, but excluding many frontline workers from receiving hazard pay just isn’t right and it certainly isn’t fair,” said Conklin. “That’s why I joined forces with my fellow House colleagues to urge the administration to take further actions to help these workers, including the creation of another hazard pay program. “These men and women have worked under extremely stressful and trying conditions to take care of others since the start of this pandemic and moving forward they should be included in any future assistance and support programs.” This week, Conklin joined several of his colleagues in submitting a letter to the secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, which outlines their concerns and urges the creation of an additional hazard pay program to help Read more


Conklin: $33,000 in funding to help area school district, intermediate unit with remote learning

(Aug 10, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, Aug. 10 – An area school district and intermediate unit will receive $33,000 in grants to ensure school students have the resources they need to access remote and online learning, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced. Conklin, D-Centre, said the Continuing of Education Equity Grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Education were awarded to the following: Central Intermediate Unit - $9,600 Philipsburg-Osceola Area School District - $23,400 “With many of our schools providing remote learning options for the upcoming school year, it’s vital students have access to the tools they need to stay engaged, and for many, that could mean a laptop or assistance with internet access,” Conklin said. “This funding will ensure they have the resources they need to succeed and learn.” CEEG grants may be used to purchase computer equipment, such as laptops, tablets, and internet hot spots, or used toward providing instructional materials, such as paper lessons and coursework. Schools with the highest percentages of students lacking access to resources were given priority in receiving these grants. More information on these grants can be found at the following link: . Read more


Conklin announces $2M in state funding awarded to Rush Township to repair, improve roadways

(Jul 17, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, July 17 – State Rep. Scott Conklin announced that $2 million from the state’s Multimodal Transportation Fund has been awarded to repair four roadways in Rush Township, Centre County. Conklin, D-Centre, said the funding will be used to pave and install guiderails on Casanova Road, Casanova Spur, Chestnut Street, and McCord Road. “We know that safe, reliable transportation is critical to connecting our communities and I fully support these vital investments to keep our roadways safe for residents and visitors alike,” said Conklin. Act 89 of 2013 established a dedicated Multimodal Transportation Fund, which provides funding for ports and rail freight, increases aviation investments, establishes dedicated funding for bicycle and pedestrian improvements, and allows targeted funding for priority investments in any mode. More information can be found at the following link: Read more


Conklin announces small businesses can apply for CARES act funding tomorrow; funds to help offset pandemic, shutdown order losses

(Jun 29, 2020)

STATE COLLEGE, June 29 – Small businesses adversely impacted by the pandemic can begin applying for the COVID-19 Relief Statewide Small Business Assistance Program starting tomorrow, June 30, state Rep. Scott Conkin announced. Conklin, D-Centre, said the program will provide $225 million in grants to eligible small businesses to cover operating expenses incurred during the state’s shutdown order and the transition to reopening. The funding can also be used for training and guidance for business owners as they work toward reopening, Conklin added. “Our small businesses are truly the lifeblood of our communities, and this funding will assist them in their efforts to recover from the pandemic and get back on their feet,” Conklin said. “I highly encourage eligible small businesses to apply for this assistance, and to please reach out to my office if you need assistance.” Conklin said the funding will be available through three specific programs: $100 million for the Main Street Business Revitalization Program for small businesses that experienced loss as a result of the March 2020 order relating to the closure of all non-life-sustaining businesses, including those businesses that have or will incur costs to adapt to new business operations. $100 million for the Historically Disadvantaged Business Revitalization Program for small businesses that experienced loss as a result of the business closure order Read more


Conklin: Penn State to receive environmental education grant

(Jun 26, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 26 – Penn State University has been awarded a state grant designed to engage and educate school students about the importance of energy conservation and efficiency, state Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre, announced today. Conklin said the $3,000 grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection will be used to fund an energy education program for students in grades K-12. Students in the program will work with university students to convert a gas-powered vehicle to electric power and learn about how battery-focused transportation technology can lead to low to zero emissions. “These hands-on programs can help students learn how to make a positive impact on our environment,” said Conklin. “These innovative projects can go a long way in engaging and empowering even our youngest students to take responsible actions and truly make a difference.” Established in 1993, DEP’s Environmental Education Grants Program supports public education on greenhouse gas emissions reduction, energy conservation, water quality and renewable energy and empowers communities to develop solutions to a variety of environmental and public health issues. More information on the grants program can be found at this link: Read more


Conklin announces funding to support affordable housing project in Centre County

(Jun 16, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 16 – State College Borough in Centre County has been awarded $280,000 to acquire, renovate and sell a single property for a low-income family, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced. Conklin, D-Centre, said the funding comes from the federal HOME Investment Partnerships Program to support affordable housing projects statewide with the goal of expanding and preserving housing for low- and very low-income Pennsylvanians. More than $10 million in HOME Program funds were provided to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. “Nothing is more important than having a place to call home,” Conklin said. “This funding helps families and individuals here locally and across our state with reliable, safe housing, including those who have been adversely impacted financially due to the current pandemic.” More information can be found at this link: . Read more


Conklin announces nearly $120K in grants awarded by Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency

(Jun 10, 2020)

HARRISBURG, June 10 – Grants totaling $119,219 to support several community and criminal justice efforts in Centre County have been awarded by the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced today. Conklin, D-Centre, said the following grants were awarded today during PCCD’s quarterly commission meeting: $100,000 to Centre Safe, formerly known as the Centre County Women’s Resource Center, to support its work with victims of child sexual abuse. $10,000 awarded to Penn State University to cover costs related to the Pennsylvania Youth Survey. This statewide survey of school students in junior and high schools is conducted every two years to assess risk factors related to violence, including bullying, and the use and abuse of drugs, alcohol and tobacco. $9,216 to Centre County Commissions to support the expansion of its body worn cameras program at the Centre County Correctional Facility. “These investments will be extremely beneficial to our communities in a number of areas, including providing vital services to help victims of crime, implement programs and assess services for youth, and also protect our county corrections officers while on duty,” said Conklin. PCCD is the state’s lead agency for criminal justice policy issues, providing support services to law enforcement agencies, victims of crime and communities. More information on PCCD Read more


Conklin applauds passage of bill to aid volunteer fire, EMS companies statewide

(May 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 28 – A measure that would provide one-time crisis grants to each volunteer fire and emergency medical services company in Pennsylvania passed the House unanimously today, state Rep. Scott Conklin announced. Conkin, D-Centre, said S.B. 1122 would establish the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Services Grant Program, setting aside $50 million in federal CARES funding for fire and EMS companies to provide services during the coronavirus pandemic. Forty-four million dollars of the funds would be used for grants to fire companies, with the remaining $6 million to be used for grants for EMS companies. “These men and women have been on the front lines in responding to our communities’ needs, now more than ever, and without the ability to fundraise to stay active, it’s imperative we give them the support they need and deserve,” Conklin said. The bill now heads to the governor’s desk for his signature. Read more


Conklin supports bill to freeze cost of living adjustments for legislators, state officials

(May 26, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 26 – State public officials, including lawmakers, should not be granted a cost-of-living adjustment at this time due to the financial challenges brought about due to the current pandemic, said state Rep. Scott Conklin, D-Centre. Conklin said he voted in favor of House Bill 2487 to amend the state’s public official compensation law, allowing for a freeze to be placed on COLAs through 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for public officials. “Pennsylvanians have been hit hard these past few months, and many of them are struggling to take care of their families while being out of work and worrying about how to pay their bills,” said Conklin. “In addition, we are anticipating a significant revenue shortfall going into the next budget cycle, and there is no reason why any public official in our state should receive a COLA now.” The measure would also freeze COLAs for the following offices and positions: governor, lieutenant governor, state auditor general, state treasurer, state attorney general, commissioners of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, and heads of state departments. Conklin said the bill, which passed unanimously in the House, now heads to the Senate for further consideration. Read more


Conklin to introduce bill to close corporate realty transfer loophole

(May 11, 2020)

HARRISBURG, May 11 – In an effort to ensure corporations and large businesses are held accountable and pay their fair share, state Rep. Scott Conklin has announced his intent to introduce a bill that would close a realty transfer loophole in Pennsylvania. Conklin, D-Centre, said a recent incident in Butler County occurred, where a business was sold after the creation of subsidiaries which were transferred – along with the property – to the new owner. He said the parties involved used a loophole in state law that resulted in the reduction of the amount of realty transfer fees required to be paid to the municipality and the state. “ Hard working Pennsylvanians should not have to pick up the tab for out of state corporations,” said Conklin. “Such incidents, like the one that occurred in Butler County, clearly highlight the need for my legislation, because these businesses should not be allowed to get away with fleecing taxpayers who are left to make up the difference.” More information on Conklin’s pending legislation can be found at this link: Read more


Conklin introduces bill to better protect victims of domestic violence
Jan 27, 2021

Conklin announces plans to introduce resolution to honor Capitol Police
Jan 15, 2021

Conklin sworn in for eighth term in state House
Jan 05, 2021

Conklin announces $162K grant to Penn State to improve health of streams and rivers
Dec 30, 2020

Conklin announces nearly $2.3 million in grants to help victims of crime, prevent juvenile delinquency, promote criminal justice efforts
Dec 14, 2020

Rep. Conklin 2021 Web Calendar
Dec 07, 2020

Conklin announces nearly $77K in school safety grants
Nov 16, 2020

Conklin: $37K in grants awarded to area volunteer fire, EMS companies
Oct 09, 2020

Conklin: $50,000 awarded along Susquehanna River watershed
Oct 02, 2020

Conklin releases statement regarding House postponement
Oct 01, 2020

Conklin: More support needed for frontline workers responding to pandemic
Aug 26, 2020

Conklin: $33,000 in funding to help area school district, intermediate unit with remote learning
Aug 10, 2020

Conklin announces $2M in state funding awarded to Rush Township to repair, improve roadways
Jul 17, 2020

Conklin announces small businesses can apply for CARES act funding tomorrow; funds to help offset pandemic, shutdown order losses
Jun 29, 2020

Conklin: Penn State to receive environmental education grant
Jun 26, 2020

Conklin announces funding to support affordable housing project in Centre County
Jun 16, 2020

Conklin announces nearly $120K in grants awarded by Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency
Jun 10, 2020

Conklin applauds passage of bill to aid volunteer fire, EMS companies statewide
May 28, 2020

Conklin supports bill to freeze cost of living adjustments for legislators, state officials
May 26, 2020

Conklin to introduce bill to close corporate realty transfer loophole
May 11, 2020