March 5 update: Let’s not neglect Western Montco with vaccine distribution

(Mar 05, 2021)

Also rounding up the latest news from the Capitol and the latest 422 road work updates. Read more


Ciresi offers bill to boost library revenue

(Mar 04, 2021)

Current state law allows libraries to use isolated sales – fewer than seven days each year – of used books without paying sales tax as a means of generating additional revenue. Ciresi’s legislation would expand that to allow libraries to sell used books for supplemental income without paying sales tax throughout the year. Read more


PA’s unfair special education funding for charter schools: Ciresi op/ed

(Mar 03, 2021)

The system in which Pennsylvania pays charter schools for special education is broken. For every special education student who leaves a traditional public school to attend a charter school, their home district is required to reimburse that charter school based on an illogical average cost to educate special education students. Read more


VIDEO: Ciresi Praises Hospitality Recovery Program

(Mar 02, 2021)

In keeping with his commitment to help small businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi joined Gov. Tom Wolf and business industry leaders outlining a plan to give $145 million in state funding to affected businesses in the hospitality industry because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance

(Mar 02, 2021)

Beginning March 1, residents in Montgomery County can now apply for emergency rental and utility assistance. My staff and I are relieved that this window is finally open for families and individuals struggling to pay their bills. Read more


Ciresi praises COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program

(Mar 02, 2021)

“The financial commitment outlined at today’s news conference falls in line with legislation I’ve been pushing since the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, legislation that would provide, has provided and will continue to provide desperately needed help to restaurants and local businesses struggling for the better part of a year,” Ciresi said. Read more


Ciresi: Mark Veterans Day as a school holiday

(Mar 01, 2021)

As the law stands now, federal, bank and state workers are allowed off work to observe Veterans Day, though schools are not required to close. Read more


Feb. 26 update: Pushing to reform Pennsylvania’s outdated charter school law

(Feb 26, 2021)

Also, expiration dates for commercial driver licenses and commercial learner’s permits will be extended for Pennsylvania residents in response to statewide COVID-19 mitigation efforts. Read more


Ciresi joins Gov. Wolf in Unveiling Bipartisan Charter School Accountability Plan to Protect All Students and Taxpayers

(Feb 26, 2021)

“We owe it to our students, families, teachers, and taxpayers to fix a broken and out-of-date 25-year-old charter school law, with issues I’ve seen over 12 years as a school board member,” said Rep. Joe Ciresi. Read more


Ciresi Questions Charter School Representatives About Funding

(Feb 24, 2021)

Pa. state Rep. Joe Ciresi, noting over 20 Philadelphia-area charter schools and management organizations received at least $30 million in low-interest loans through the federal Paycheck Protection Program, issued a reminder during Tuesday's House Education Committee hearing that lawmakers should ensure taxpayer funds are safeguarded and spent in an equitable way. Read more


Feb. 19 update: 422 road closures; Ridge Pike webinar; Vaccine updates

(Feb 19, 2021)

Plus I introduced new legislation this week and was recently appointed to the Special Education Funding Commission. Read more


Ciresi: Pharmacist-administered vaccinations must be covered by health insurers

(Feb 18, 2021)

“Now more than ever, it’s imperative we ensure affordable, potentially life-saving immunizations administered by pharmacists are covered by all health insurers.” Read more


Ciresi appointed to Special Education Funding Commission

(Feb 17, 2021)

The SEFC, which was established in 2013, reviews and makes recommendations regarding special education funding in the commonwealth. Its focus over the last two years has been reviewing the formula that directs state funding to school districts in Pennsylvania that have the greatest need for additional resources based upon the cost of each special education student. Read more


Feb. 12 update: We must – and will – do better with COVID vaccine distribution

(Feb 12, 2021)

I understand your frustration with the slow pace of vaccinations, as well as the scattered distribution and multiple signups. I am upset, too. We must do better as a commonwealth, and we will – working together. Patience will be required from all of us. Read more


Ciresi named Arts and Entertainment subcommittee chair

(Feb 11, 2021)

“I look forward to working with my colleagues on the committee to spread awareness of the wealth of Pennsylvania’s activities, promote Pennsylvania to both out-of-state and in-state tourists, and support the artistic, cultural and historical industries that make our state diverse and unique.” Read more


Ciresi legislation seeks tax holiday for water, energy conservation

(Feb 10, 2021)

Specifically, H.B. 461 would promote the purchase and use of WaterSense and Energy Star products by annually excluding those products from sales and use taxes from April 22 (Earth Day) through April 29. Read more


Feb. 5 update: Relief for families, workers and businesses; vaccination update

(Feb 05, 2021)

The PA Legislature is working across the aisle to deliver important relief for families, workers and businesses. Here are some of the latest developments. Read more


Ciresi celebrates passage of COVID-19 relief package, vows to continue push for more assistance for restaurants, local businesses

(Feb 05, 2021)

Ciresi said he is especially pleased with the funding to help restaurants, hotels and theaters – and the people who work there – as he’s been consistently working to allocate additional funding to these struggling industries. The legislation establishes a $145 million Hospitality Industry Recovery Program to support hotels, restaurants, bars and taverns that suffered a decline in revenue in 2020. Read more


Ciresi's statement in response to Gov. Wolf's budget proposal

(Feb 04, 2021)

I am grateful to see a bold commitment to education, especially addressing the long-time inequities in how our state has funded K-12 education that were disproportionately affecting our communities. Read more


Jan. 29: COVID-19 Vaccination Pre-Registration & Help For Struggling Businesses

(Jan 29, 2021)

This week, my email starts with a short video update in which I share some of my frustration over the rollout of vaccinations in Pennsylvania. Read more


March 5 update: Let’s not neglect Western Montco with vaccine distribution
Mar 05, 2021

Ciresi offers bill to boost library revenue
Mar 04, 2021

PA’s unfair special education funding for charter schools: Ciresi op/ed
Mar 03, 2021

VIDEO: Ciresi Praises Hospitality Recovery Program
Mar 02, 2021

Emergency Rental and Utility Assistance
Mar 02, 2021

Ciresi praises COVID-19 Hospitality Industry Recovery Program
Mar 02, 2021

Ciresi: Mark Veterans Day as a school holiday
Mar 01, 2021

Feb. 26 update: Pushing to reform Pennsylvania’s outdated charter school law
Feb 26, 2021

Ciresi joins Gov. Wolf in Unveiling Bipartisan Charter School Accountability Plan to Protect All Students and Taxpayers
Feb 26, 2021

Ciresi Questions Charter School Representatives About Funding
Feb 24, 2021

Feb. 19 update: 422 road closures; Ridge Pike webinar; Vaccine updates
Feb 19, 2021

Ciresi: Pharmacist-administered vaccinations must be covered by health insurers
Feb 18, 2021

Ciresi appointed to Special Education Funding Commission
Feb 17, 2021

Feb. 12 update: We must – and will – do better with COVID vaccine distribution
Feb 12, 2021

Ciresi named Arts and Entertainment subcommittee chair
Feb 11, 2021

Ciresi legislation seeks tax holiday for water, energy conservation
Feb 10, 2021

Feb. 5 update: Relief for families, workers and businesses; vaccination update
Feb 05, 2021

Ciresi celebrates passage of COVID-19 relief package, vows to continue push for more assistance for restaurants, local businesses
Feb 05, 2021

Ciresi's statement in response to Gov. Wolf's budget proposal
Feb 04, 2021

Jan. 29: COVID-19 Vaccination Pre-Registration & Help For Struggling Businesses
Jan 29, 2021