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Cephas releases statement on enactment of Act 5 of 2023

Join our May 21 virtual town hall to get your election questions answered

(May 20, 2020)

With the Pennsylvania Primary Election on June 2, I want to make sure you have all the information you need before you vote. Read more


Letter urging Supreme Court to protect residents from evictions and foreclosure during the COVID-19 pandemic

(May 14, 2020)

House and Senate Democrats wrote a letter urging the state Supreme Court to protect residents from evictions and foreclosure during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read more


Cephas fights to provide critical lifeline to unemployed individuals facing debt

(May 13, 2020)

With a record number of Pennsylvanians filing for jobless benefits during the COVID-19 pandemic, state Rep. Morgan Cephas is introducing legislation to allow claimants facing debt to receive unemployment compensation. Currently, unemployment benefits granted to those with an at-fault judgment against them must all go toward repaying their debt. Cephas' plan would cut this in half, sending 50% of funds to debt collection with the other half going back to the individual. "So many of my neighbors have lost their jobs because of this coronavirus and are now relying on our unemployment program to help them put food on the table," said Cephas, D-Phila. "Instead of sitting idly by and allowing people to suffer because they owe money, we have a responsibility to supply them with the support they need to repay their debt and provide for their family, especially during these unprecedented times." This latest proposal joins other bills Cephas has helped author to assist Pennsylvanians through this COVID-19 crisis, which includes legislation to: Bridge the digital divide and provide low-income families access to online learning devices and services to aid students in learning from home. Waive interest for student loan and home borrowers. Cephas is a part of the Read more


Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates

(May 09, 2020)

From the stay-at-home order being extended to an update about evictions, check out the latest COVID-19 updates from the week of May 4. Read more


Philly launches COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program

(May 08, 2020)

Philadelphia is launching an assistance program aimed at helping those who have lost income because of the coronavirus pay their rent. Read more


Cephas, Jones receive more than 5,000 pieces of PPE to help protect communities from COVID-19

(May 05, 2020)

State Rep. Morgan Cephas is commending the American Chinese United Association for donating Tuesday more than 5,000 pieces of personal protective equipment to help protect communities in West Philadelphia from the COVID-19 virus. "As this crisis persists, there is a great demand for protective equipment," said Cephas, D-Phila. "I am forever grateful to the Chinese United Association for stepping up to help us provide relief to those who need it most across our neighborhoods." Cephas and Philadelphia City Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. received the PPE, which included masks, hand sanitizer and gloves. They plan on working with Crest Auto to distribute the materials to area organizations, including: The 19th Police District Wynne Senior Homes Wynnefield Place Apartments Calvary Baptist Church Local fire stations "These resources are critical to keep first responders and essential employees safe on the front lines of this pandemic. It's also going toward safeguarding those most vulnerable to COVID-19," Cephas explained. "I will continue working with federal, state and local leaders to open the door to more opportunities like this to aid in stopping the spread, flattening the curve and moving the commonwealth forward." Read more


Applications Being Accepted Once Again for Paycheck Protection Program

(Apr 28, 2020)

The U.S. Small Business Association has resumed accepting applications for the Paycheck Protection Program but funds aren't expected to last long. Here's how to apply. Read more


Fill Out this form to Help Us Connect Neighbors in Need with Food Assistance

(Apr 28, 2020)

If you or someone you know is a Philadelphia resident in need of food assistance, please take the time to fill out this form. Read more


Governor's plan to reopen PA, other COVID-19 updates

(Apr 24, 2020)

From Gov. Wolf's plan to reopen PA in phases, to news about food distribution in the area, checkout the latest COVID-19 updates. Read more


Women’s Health Caucus chairs ask Gov. Wolf to veto S.B. 857

(Apr 22, 2020)

“Playing politics with women’s health is something we’ve come to expect of the majority party in Harrisburg,” Cephas said. “But playing politics now is truly appalling when it’s critical that we connect patients with their doctors safely to ensure they can still receive the quality care and assistance they need during this pandemic." Read more


Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates

(Apr 21, 2020)

From Chromebook distribution information for students to how self-employed individuals can now file for unemployment, check out the latest COVID-19 updates. Read more


Check out the latest updates & resources to help you through COVID-19

(Apr 18, 2020)

From free food pick-up for seniors to assistance for families with infants, check out the latest information about COVID-19. Read more


Cephas joins online forum about reducing maternal mortality rate for women of color amid COVID-19 pandemic

(Apr 14, 2020)

PHILADELPHIA, April 14 – As part of Black Maternal Health Week, state Rep. Morgan Cephas participated in an online forum Monday, focusing on her ongoing fight to reduce the maternal mortality rate in Pennsylvania -- a phenomenon that disproportionately impacts women of color. The Oshun Family Center hosted the webinar titled Black Maternal Health: Advancing the Village to Hold the Mother, where Cephas discussed her package of bills that would: Offer Medicaid coverage for doulas (H.B. 2109) . Expand Medicaid coverage for postpartum women (H.B. 2108) . Add "severe maternal morbidity" to the list of reportable events within the Pennsylvania Department of Health (H.B. 2107). Require implicit bias training for health care professionals ( H.B. 2110 ). "Access to quality health care should never be based on a person's skin color or zip code," said Cephas, D-Phila. "However, the maternal mortality rate for women of color remains disproportionally higher than white women and demands collective and immediat e action . From legislators to stakeholders, we must come together and work to secure funding, develop policies and pass laws that result in better health outcomes." "Black Maternal Health Week has been a passion project for the Maternal Wellness Village and me, due to the personal impact on our lives," said Saleemah McNeil, founder of Read more


COVID-19 updates you need to know

(Apr 09, 2020)

Check out COVID-19 updates and resources from the week of April 6, 2020. Read more


Grant opportunity to help schools provide continued learning for students

(Apr 06, 2020)

While schools are closed, the Pennsylvania Department of Education is offering a grant opportunity for schools to help provide continued learning for students. Read more


Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates

(Apr 03, 2020)

From the stay-at-home order being extended to schools now closed indefinitely, here are the COVID-19 updates you need to know from the week of March 30, 2020. Read more


What new COVID-19 relief laws mean for you and your family

(Mar 28, 2020)

As we work to overcome the ongoing challenges associated with COVID-19, I am committed to bringing you up-to-date information about the virus and connecting you with the available resources aimed at helping you overcome this public health crisis. Here's new information you need to know from this week. Taking action to provide COVID-19 relief for Pennsylvanians I'm working to protect myself, my colleagues and you by working from home, while still working to make sure you have a voice in Harrisburg. In our fight against COVID-19 this week, we passed bills to: Reschedule Pennsylvania’s Primary Election from April 28 to June 2, 2020. Provide $50 million in emergency funding to assist hospitals, nursing homes and emergency medical services in acquiring the supplies needed to care for the influx of patients and protect health care workers. Support education by guaranteeing that teachers, bus drivers and other school employees don't lose their salaries or benefits while schools are closed. It also waives the requirement that schools provide 180 days of instruction this school year. Assist employees/employers by easing Read more


Cephas, Harris, Schweyer work to bridge the digital divide, expand educational resources to students in need during COVID-19 pandemic

(Mar 24, 2020)

As schools remain closed, state Reps. Morgan Cephas and Peter Schweyer are introducing legislation to help connect all students with the critical resources they need to continue their education during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Advanced technology has made it possible for young people to learn outside of the classroom. However, not all families are able to afford these services and devices," said Cephas, D-Phila. "Access to quality education should not be based on your ZIP code, especially during times of crisis. This is just another way I am working ensure children in our communities have access to the same tools as everyone else." The bill would allocate grant money to school districts to provide or expand access to technology and technological equipment, like laptops or tablets, for students who do not have the means to purchase them or are unable to access the Internet from home. “As a parent of two children in the Allentown School District, I know that so many of our talented kids only have access to technology at school," said Schweyer, D-Lehigh. "When the need arrives when schools need to be closed, we must make sure students have the tools they need to continue their studies, regardless of their economic circumstances. This legislation will help close the digital divide for those less fortunate Read more


COVID-19 Resources and Information

(Mar 21, 2020)

** Below is a list of informational links for resources in and around Philadelphia related to COVID-19. This will be updated as more/new information becomes available ** The latest info on COVID-19 cases and other data statewide from the Pennsylvania Department of Health : https://www.health.pa.gov/topics/disease/coronavirus/Pages/Coronavirus.aspx The latest information on COVID-19 cases and other data in Philadelphia from the City of Philadelphia Department of Public Health : https://www.phila.gov/services/mental-physical-health/environmental-health-hazards/covid-19/ The Philadelphia Department of Public Health has activated a Greater Philadelphia Coronavirus Helpline . It’s available 24/7. If you have questions about symptoms and risk factors, what to do if you think you may have been exposed, testing resources, or recommendations for social distancing, you can contact the helpline at 1-800-722-7112. More info: https://www.phila.gov/2020-03-14-greater-philadelphia-coronavirus-helpline-opened-by-health/?fbclid=IwAR2HZUc0yYdy66IMO4nrx8g4Z8vKMHE9qWUXmmLDe3OZFIjVhiwGDu0ZFIo List of essential Philadelphia services and how to access them: https://www.phila.gov/2020-03-18-essential-city-services-remain-open-here-is-how-to-access-them/?mc_cid=7f7be1d618&mc_eid=eda5e48c86 . Information about how SEPTA is operating: http://www.septa.org/service/rail/midday-schedule.html Information about how Amtrak is Read more


West Philly coronavirus (COVID-19) resource map

(Mar 18, 2020)

The City of Philadelphia has published lists of hospitals, urgent care clinics equipped to accept seriously ill patients, and lists of schools and community centers serving free breakfast and lunch for students and others. Please find resources near you on the map below: Read more


Join our May 21 virtual town hall to get your election questions answered
May 20, 2020

Letter urging Supreme Court to protect residents from evictions and foreclosure during the COVID-19 pandemic
May 14, 2020

Cephas fights to provide critical lifeline to unemployed individuals facing debt
May 13, 2020

Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates
May 09, 2020

Philly launches COVID-19 Emergency Rental Assistance Program
May 08, 2020

Cephas, Jones receive more than 5,000 pieces of PPE to help protect communities from COVID-19
May 05, 2020

Applications Being Accepted Once Again for Paycheck Protection Program
Apr 28, 2020

Fill Out this form to Help Us Connect Neighbors in Need with Food Assistance
Apr 28, 2020

Governor's plan to reopen PA, other COVID-19 updates
Apr 24, 2020

Women’s Health Caucus chairs ask Gov. Wolf to veto S.B. 857
Apr 22, 2020

Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates
Apr 21, 2020

Check out the latest updates & resources to help you through COVID-19
Apr 18, 2020

Cephas joins online forum about reducing maternal mortality rate for women of color amid COVID-19 pandemic
Apr 14, 2020

COVID-19 updates you need to know
Apr 09, 2020

Grant opportunity to help schools provide continued learning for students
Apr 06, 2020

Stay-at-home order extended, other COVID-19 updates
Apr 03, 2020

What new COVID-19 relief laws mean for you and your family
Mar 28, 2020

Cephas, Harris, Schweyer work to bridge the digital divide, expand educational resources to students in need during COVID-19 pandemic
Mar 24, 2020

COVID-19 Resources and Information
Mar 21, 2020

West Philly coronavirus (COVID-19) resource map
Mar 18, 2020