Bill aims to increase max penalty for illegal dumping in Philadelphia

(Apr 25, 2023)

"There is no community in Philadelphia, perhaps across the commonwealth, that has not seen illegal dumping," said Bullock, a Democrat representing House District 195 which encompasses North Philadelphia, Fairmount Park, Strawberry Mansion and other nearby areas.Bullock's bill increases fines for illegal dumping, making the maximum penalty up to $20,000. Read more


Medically tailored meals have proven to be effective. Now health insurers are paying attention.

(Apr 25, 2023)

“While this is not yet widely covered by insurance, it should be — and in government, we should help to move the initiative along,” wrote Bullock in a recent op-ed announcing her legislation. Read more


House committee told Pa.’s shortage of juvenile detention beds is a ‘public crisis’

(Apr 21, 2023)

Pennsylvania’s over-burdened juvenile detention system was described to lawmakers Thursday as a “serious public crisis,” as the House Children & Youth Committee met to hear testimony on the problem. Read more


State Proposal Seeks To Curb Illegal Dumping

(Apr 21, 2023)

“The folks who are doing the illegal dumping are not paying significant fines. In fact, many of them see it as the cost of doing business,” Bullock said. Read more


Children & Youth Committee holds hearing on overcrowding in PA juvenile detention facilities

(Apr 21, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 21 – The Pennsylvania House Children & Youth Committee held a hearing Thursday to discuss the issue of overcrowding in juvenile detention centers across the Commonwealth. “As an advocate for young people, the issue of overcrowding in juvenile detention centers is something I find particularly pressing,” Children & Youth Committee Majority Chairwoman Donna Bullock said. “We must get kids all the care they need while they are in the system so that when they leave, they enter society as functioning and productive young adults. When facilities are overcrowded and understaffed, court ordered treatment or services are delayed, students miss out on educational and recreational opportunities, young people are sleeping in unacceptable conditions and detained youth are victimized — all of which are unacceptable.” Experts in the field such as Laval Miller-Wilson, acting deputy secretary of the Office of Children, Youth, and Families; Chadwick Libby, president of the Pennsylvania Council of Chief Juvenile Probation Officers; Kimberly Ali, Department of Human Services commissioner with the City of Philadelphia; Malik Pickett, Esq., staff attorney with the Juvenile Law Center; and Bryanna Hood, an advocate with the Juvenile Law Center, testified during the hearing. “Pennsylvania’s Juvenile Justice System is decentralized. County, courts of Common Pleas Read more


Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus calls for Legislature to take action, pass gun safety legislation following continued national tragedies

(Apr 17, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 17 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus is calling on the General Assembly to act and pass gun safety legislation following multiple mass shootings across the nation and the unjust expulsion of two legislators, and the attempted expulsion of a third, in Tennessee for so-called “disorderly behavior” following their protest in favor of gun reform in the Tennessee House chamber. Today they joined Black legislators across the nation in decrying the parliamentary rules and procedures Republican majorities are using – or abusing – to stifle Black voices and avoid holding votes on the issues people want addressed, such as gun violence, but that they and their big moneyed backers don’t like. According to PLBC Chair Donna Bullock, D-Phila., Republican legislators in Tennessee thought they could hide behind the veil of rules and procedure when expelling Rep. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, and Rep. Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, but the racist undertones prompting their expulsion were obvious. People should look no further than the recently leaked video of Tennessee Republican lawmakers discussing the vote, she said. In recent weeks, the nation has been shocked by the news of not one, but two mass shootings occurring at a school in Nashville, TN and a bank in Louisville, KY. A total of 11 people combined lost their lives in these shooting sprees. PLBC lawmakers are saying enough is enough, and that Pennsylvania and Read more


Is Tennessee a turning point? We hope so.

(Apr 12, 2023)

The endless cycle of mass shootings, collective grief and debate continues to divide our nation. As Black legislators, we navigate this cycle looking for the right moment to highlight the oft-ignored daily gun violence in our communities, and to offer solutions. We look for allies. We stand in the gap for others. We carefully express justified outrage that doesn’t fit neatly in the box of decorum or culture of the legislature. It is a delicate balance -- a skill set many Black legislators have learned in state capitols across our nation. The latest school shooting started another cycle with no solutions, another opportunity for Black legislators to lead. It resulted in the expulsion of two young, Black Tennessee lawmakers who dared to help the people of their state be seen and heard in the one place that holds the power to help. Tennessee Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, both Democrats in a legislature controlled by Republicans, took a peaceful stand in their chamber after six children and staff at a Nashville school were slaughtered by an assault weapon in the hands of an ordinary citizen. Instead of acknowledging the issue staring them in the face – gun violence and the senseless murder of innocent people – the Republican majority in the Tennessee House focused their outrage on decorum and likened the demonstration to the Jan. 6 insurrection, when a mob of more than 2,500 people incited by former President Trump stormed Read more


Is Tennessee a turning point? We hope so.

(Apr 12, 2023)

The endless cycle of mass shootings, collective grief and debate continues to divide our nation. As Black legislators, we navigate this cycle looking for the right moment to highlight the oft-ignored daily gun violence in our communities, and to offer solutions. We look for allies. We stand in the gap for others. We carefully express justified outrage that doesn’t fit neatly in the box of decorum or culture of the legislature. It is a delicate balance -- a skill set many Black legislators have learned in state capitols across our nation. The latest school shooting started another cycle with no solutions, another opportunity for Black legislators to lead. It resulted in the expulsion of two young, Black Tennessee lawmakers who dared to help the people of their state be seen and heard in the one place that holds the power to help. Tennessee Reps. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson, both Democrats in a legislature controlled by Republicans, took a peaceful stand in their chamber after six children and staff at a Nashville school were slaughtered by an assault weapon in the hands of an ordinary citizen. Instead of acknowledging the issue staring them in the face – gun violence and the senseless murder of innocent people – the Republican majority in the Tennessee House focused their outrage on decorum and likened the demonstration to the Jan. 6 insurrection, when a mob of more than 2,500 people incited by former President Trump stormed their way into the Read more


State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University

(Apr 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, April 3 – State Reps. Malcolm Kenyatta, Donna Bullock and Danilo Burgos, all D-Phila., are introducing legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University to help address violence near the campus. In the last four years, the number of shootings within the Temple campus patrol area nearly tripled, going from 11 in 2018 to 26 in 2022. This year, 2023, there have already been multiple shootings, including one that killed Temple police officer Christopher Fitzgerald. In addition to this, Temple’s enrollment has declined 16.5% since 2017. Recently, Temple University President Jason Wingard resigned from his position, causing an upheaval in the school’s leadership. To combat the issues Temple faces, the lawmakers are introducing legislation to increase the number of state-appointed board members to the Temple University Board of Trustees by giving one more appointment to the governor, the president pro tempore of the Senate, and the speaker of the House of Representatives. The legislators said that more state-appointed board members on the Board of Trustees would ensure that the state has greater oversight over the important decisions before the board and can guarantee that state money is being used effectively. Kenyatta, a Temple alum, said that as a state-related university, Temple enjoys many benefits of state funding each year, and the school should receive more oversight from the state to ensure the safety of Read more


Bullock announces nearly $2 million in state dollars for 195th projects

(Mar 20, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 20 – State Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., announced nearly $2 million in Commonwealth Financing Authority awards for projects in the 195 th District. “The state dollars that come back to the district for these projects enhances our daily lives in a variety of ways and is a great use of tax dollars for residents,” Bullock said. The projects awarded are: $1 million for structural renovations to homers adjacent to John Coltrane Museum. $171,535 for dock replacement at Lloyd Hall Rec Center. $789,750 for Cecil B. Moore Rec Center renovations. The Commonwealth Financing Authority was established in 2004 to administer Pennsylvania's economic stimulus packages. The CFA holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania's economic growth. Read more


PLBC announces Crystal Bird Fauset Leadership honorees

(Mar 14, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 14 – State Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., chair of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus, announced the awardees of the PLBC Crystal Bird Fauset Leadership Award, which is now an annual recognition event for the PLBC during Women’s History Month. Honorees will be awarded in a virtual ceremony at 10 a.m. Thursday, March 23. The ceremony can be viewed live at The award is named in honor of former state Rep. Crystal Bird Fauset, who was a Democrat elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives in 1938 and represented Philadelphia’s 18th Legislative District. She was the first Black woman elected in any state legislature. “For so long, the accomplishments of Black women have been ignored or minimized,” Bullock said. “While we celebrate these women all year long, we wanted to highlight extraordinary Black women in Women’s History Month and all that they do here in the commonwealth. It’s important for everyone – especially little Black girls and boys – to see someone who looks like them making big impacts in Pennsylvania and in leadership roles. These women are leaders we look to everyday - in both their professional and personal lives. We are so proud of each of them and are grateful for their service to this commonwealth.” The honorees this year are former state House member from Pittsburgh and current U.S. Rep. Summer Lee; former Read more


Bullock named chair of House Children and Youth, Ethics committees

(Mar 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 13 – State Rep. Donna Bullock, D-Phila., has been appointed chair of standing state House committees on Children and Youth and Ethics for the 2023-24 legislative session. “Our committees drive the entire legislative process by vetting and moving bills to the floor for a vote,” Bullock said. “The committees I chair this session are critical to moving legislation that benefits and considers the well-being of our children, while the Ethics Committee is important to ensuring the ethical behavior of members as they conduct business in our chamber and as elected officials throughout this session. I’m looking forward to getting to work and getting things done for the commonwealth.” In addition to her committee assignments, Bullock was reelected to chair the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus. Founded in 1973, the caucus was formed to serve as an information and advocacy vehicle to advance the interests of African American, Latino and other people of color in the commonwealth. Bullock’s district office is located at 2835 W. Girard Ave. Residents can stop by or call 215-684-3738 to set up an appointment or for inquiries. Read more


Bullock: Budget Proposal Invests In Families and Communities

(Mar 07, 2023)

Pa. state Rep. Donna Bullock applauds Governor Shapiro's #PABudget proposal that invests in education, reduces property taxes and helps communities dealing with gun violence. Read more


PLBC agenda, governor’s budget priorities are aligned

(Mar 07, 2023)

HARRISBURG, March 7 – Prior to his budget address today, the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus sent a letter to Gov. Josh Shapiro outlining their budget priorities. Following is their statement on his budget proposal: “The governor has heard our priorities and heeded our requests, as was evident in his budget address to the General Assembly today when he specifically named the PLBC in his remarks. It was a historic moment for this body and it underscores the importance of our partnership and involvement in the budget process. We are energized by his vision and know our collective voice is heard by the Shapiro-Davis administration. We are confident we will be able to continue and, where needed, expand upon the great work that was started under the Wolf administration. Education, environmental justice, maternal mortality and discrimination are just a few of the issues that we continue to bring to the forefront and we are encouraged by the governor’s including them in today’s proposal. “With a commitment to fairly funding our schools, regardless of location in the commonwealth, we are hopeful that we can fulfill our constitutional commitment to an equitable education for all children. We need to invest in our schools, thereby investing in our children. In addition, we are encouraged by a commitment to higher education, and we want to be sure that our two HBCUs – Cheyney University and Lincoln University - receive the same Read more


Bullock Comments on The State of Black Pa.

(Feb 28, 2023)

Pa. Legislative Black Caucus Chairwoman Donna Bullock endorses a report on the State of Black Pennsylvania. The report was compiled by state Sen. Art Haywood’s office and provides data on many issues affecting Black and brown people living in the Commonwealth. Bullock says data from this study will play a critical role in developing policies that provide equity and justice to all Pennsylvanians. Read more


PLBC celebrates McClinton’s historic speaker election

(Feb 28, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 28 – The Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus released a statement on the election and swearing in of its colleague and current PLBC member, former House Majority leader and now Speaker Joanna McClinton, D-Phila./Delaware. “This milestone of not only a woman speaker of the House but a Black woman, is long overdue and very deserved. Joanna McClinton has worked her way through the ranks of the legislature with savvy and grace and always with the knowledge of the tasks before her. We are confident she is ready to lead our chamber into this next two years and beyond. We beam with pride at the accomplishments and the history that is made today with our new Speaker Joanna McClinton.” Read more


Food is medicine: Medically tailored meals can help more patients get back to health

(Feb 28, 2023)

“You are what you eat.” “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Society has used these adages and others to explain the relationship between food and health. But here is some food for thought: Food is medicine. The idea of preventative and therapeutic use of nutritious food to help patients suffering from chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease is making its way into mainstream medicine. Although the link between nutrition and health has been long established in the medical community, and prescribed medical diets are commonplace in hospital discharge orders, widely accessible resources for filling those dietary prescriptions have never been available. Until now. Across the commonwealth and the country, doctors are referring patients to organizations that provide medically tailored meals. While this is not yet widely covered by insurance, it should be -- and in government, we should help to move the initiative along. For many patients, the healthy food that is part of their disease treatment, and often prescribed by their health provider, may not be available at their local grocery stores or, even if it is, may be unaffordable. Some patients may not physically be able to prepare healthy meals. Prepared and delivered medically tailored meals remove those barriers and are a relief for the patients, their families and our health care system as a whole. Medicaid, private health insurance companies and other programs can be Read more


3 Black Pa. lawmakers share what being in key positions means to them

(Feb 23, 2023)

Taking part in the discussion hosted by Rep. Manny Guzman were Lt. Gov. Austin Davis, House Majority Leader Joanna McClinton and Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus Chairwoman Rep. Donna Bullock. Read more


PLBC statement on recent racist social media posts

(Feb 13, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 13 – Responding to a recent uptick in racist social media posts at the middle school, high school and collegiate levels, the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus released this statement today: “The rise in racist rhetoric among our young people is not new, but these disturbing posts are symptomatic of the current state of affairs across the commonwealth and the country. Our students are mirroring the political vitriol and uncivil discourse displayed by adults at school board meetings, in the workplace, on social media, and in their homes. “Recent social media posts from students at a Philadelphia Catholic high school, a suburban middle school, and a western Pennsylvania state university are racist, hateful, and wrong. They provide further evidence of the need for bias training and inclusive curriculum in our educational system, such as teaching African American history – not just highlighting it in February during Black History Month but throughout the school year. “We call on local school boards and university officials to review their anti-hate and anti-bias trainings and policies. We encourage school leaders to make Black, Latino, and Asian American history accessible in their schools. We encourage our legislative colleagues to co-sponsor Representatives Burgos, Young, Hohenstein, and Innamorato’s proposed bill for Diverse History Instruction in Schools. “Inclusion must include all of us. Racism Read more


Black History Month recognized in Pennsylvania this February

(Jan 25, 2023)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 25 – Members of the Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus have sponsored a resolution recognizing February 2023 as Black History Month in the commonwealth, according to state Rep. Donna Bullock, chair of the PLBC. The Black History Month theme this year is “Black Resistance,” acknowledging that Black Americans have resisted historic and ongoing oppression, in all forms, especially the racial terrorism of lynching, racial pogroms and police killings. “From slave revolts to the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter, Black Americans have consistently fought for freedom, democracy and the very soul of this country,” said Bullock, D-Phila., who is a prime sponsor of the measure. “That fight meant resisting white supremacy, resisting police and racial violence, and resisting oppressive legislation and policy. During our 50th anniversary, the PLBC will continue our work to advance anti-racist and restorative legislation and equitable state investments that will improve the lives of Black Pennsylvanians.” Other prime sponsors of the bill are state Reps. Napoleon Nelson, D-Montgomery; Darisha Parker, D-Phila., and Ismail Smith-Wade-El, D-Lancaster. “The resistance is a part of who we are everyday in this country,” said Parker, who serves as PLBC secretary. “Until we know there is equity, equality and justice in public and private policy, institutions and in the eyes of every American, Read more


Bill aims to increase max penalty for illegal dumping in Philadelphia
Apr 25, 2023

Medically tailored meals have proven to be effective. Now health insurers are paying attention.
Apr 25, 2023

House committee told Pa.’s shortage of juvenile detention beds is a ‘public crisis’
Apr 21, 2023

State Proposal Seeks To Curb Illegal Dumping
Apr 21, 2023

Children & Youth Committee holds hearing on overcrowding in PA juvenile detention facilities
Apr 21, 2023

Pennsylvania Legislative Black Caucus calls for Legislature to take action, pass gun safety legislation following continued national tragedies
Apr 17, 2023

Is Tennessee a turning point? We hope so.
Apr 12, 2023

Is Tennessee a turning point? We hope so.
Apr 12, 2023

State Reps. Kenyatta, Bullock and Burgos introduce legislation to increase state oversight of Temple University
Apr 03, 2023

Bullock announces nearly $2 million in state dollars for 195th projects
Mar 20, 2023

PLBC announces Crystal Bird Fauset Leadership honorees
Mar 14, 2023

Bullock named chair of House Children and Youth, Ethics committees
Mar 13, 2023

Bullock: Budget Proposal Invests In Families and Communities
Mar 07, 2023

PLBC agenda, governor’s budget priorities are aligned
Mar 07, 2023

Bullock Comments on The State of Black Pa.
Feb 28, 2023

PLBC celebrates McClinton’s historic speaker election
Feb 28, 2023

Food is medicine: Medically tailored meals can help more patients get back to health
Feb 28, 2023

3 Black Pa. lawmakers share what being in key positions means to them
Feb 23, 2023

PLBC statement on recent racist social media posts
Feb 13, 2023

Black History Month recognized in Pennsylvania this February
Jan 25, 2023