Development and transparency in digital currencies focus of Nelson’s House Democratic Policy Committee

(Jul 19, 2021)

HARRISBURG, July 19 – Emerging digital and cryptocurrency, and positioning Pennsylvania to be an innovator for a digital currency future, was the focus of state Rep. Napoleon Nelson ’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing. Nelson recently established the bipartisan House Emerging Technologies Caucus in Pennsylvania and has an extensive background in finance and technology. He brought together the following cast of world-renowned digital currency experts to inform the committee on what is blockchain and cryptocurrency and how Pennsylvania can position itself as a leader in adapting new technologies: Andrew Bull , esquire | Bull Blockchain Law. Gerard Dache , Government Blockchain Association – Global. Tonya Evans , founder | Advantage Evans Academy; professor, Penn State Dickinson School of Law. Brian Knight , director of innovation and governance/ senior research fellow | Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Scott Nissenbaum , president & CEO | Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA Kevin Werbach , professor | University of Pennsylvania. Miller Whitehouse-Levine , director of policy | Blockchain Association. Additionally, written testimony was submitted by Blockchain Innovation Group of PA, an organization aimed at developing an environment that fosters innovation, employment and investment in the state. "Technology advances quickly in this internet age – so quickly, in fact, that it's Read more


Bizzarro launches online Community Help Center

(Jul 19, 2021)

ERIE, July 19 -- In an effort to more easily help residents navigate state programs and services, state Rep. Ryan Bizzarro has launched a new feature on his website to help residents on their timeline – the Community Help Center. The form – available 24/7 at -- is a starting point where residents can input their name and address, and note how Bizzarro and his staff can help them with services, including birth and death certificate requests, state health insurance coverage, PennDOT documentation, unemployment compensation and more. “I am all about improving access to state government for Erie residents. My Erie offices are among the busiest constituent service offices in the state and we are consistently helping people across district and party lines, especially through the pandemic,” Bizzarro explained. “Creating this online starting point to help residents is just one more way we’re making it easier for people access to their state government and I am thrilled to be the first in the House to bring this level of service to our community.” After filling out the online form, applicants can expect to receive a response from Bizzarro’s team within two business days. For urgent matters, the representative encourages residents to call his office at 814-835-2880. Regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Peninsula Plaza Office Read more


Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and sandbox legislation focus of Monday’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing

(Jul 16, 2021)

HARRISBURG, July 16 -- As blockchain and cryptocurrency become part of the mainstream conversation, Pennsylvania must prepare its digital future and state Rep. Napoleon Nelson is hosting a House Democratic Policy Committee discussion with industry experts to discover how the state can do so. The hearing will be held at 10 a.m. Monday, July 19 in the House Democratic Caucus Room, 4th Floor, Main Capitol Building. Nelson, D-Montgomery, who recently introduced the bipartisan House Emerging Technologies Caucus, said he is eager to begin this conversation and have his colleagues at the table to discuss the nuances of cryptocurrencies. He also intends to introduce sandbox legislation aimed at testing how to responsibly adopt such new and innovative technologies and to implement regulations. Testifiers will include some of Pennsylvania's blockchain industry leaders, including: Andrew Bull , founder, Bull Blockchain Law. Gerard Dache , executive director, Government Blockchain Association – Global. Tonya Evans , founder | Advantage Evans Academy, and professor, Penn State Dickinson School of Law. Brian Knight , director of innovation and governance/ senior research fellow | Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Scott Nissenbaum , president & CEO | Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Southeastern PA. Kevin Werbach , professor, legal Read more


Prescription drug pricing reforms essential for public health, and economy

(Jul 12, 2021)

HARRISBURG, July 12 -- State Representatives Emily Kinkead and Eddie Day Pashinski today hosted a public hearing to discuss the need for drastic reforms to drive down the costs of prescription drugs for the well-being of Pennsylvanians who rely on medications for an improved quality of life. The hearing, a meeting of the Policy Committee’s Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People, included testimony on how prescription drug pricing is calculated, some of the cost drivers and legislative action needed to regulate pricing. Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, chair of the subcommittee, and legislators from across the state joined both in person and online for the discussion. Sean Zmenkowski, a constituent services advisor for Rep. Kinkead, shared his experience as a type one diabetic reliant on insulin to survive and the career choices he has had to make in order to maintain access to life-sustaining medication. “Far too many Pennsylvanians have to make painful choices regarding life-saving medications – going without or rationing their medicine – either option is inexcusable,” said state Rep. Emily Kinkead, D-Allegheny. “I remain committed to working with my colleagues to come up with solutions, including a prescription drug importation program, to ensure the prescription drugs our residents need are accessible and affordable. It’s clear we need long-term solutions to help our residents, and we can make it happen.” Read more


Pandemic-related animal protections focus of Wednesday tour of Brandywine Valley SPCA

(Jul 12, 2021)

WEST CHESTER, July 12 – The essential work of Pennsylvania animal shelters throughout the pandemic did not receive state funding, and state Rep. Liz Hanbidge will host a House Democratic Policy Committee tour and roundtable discussion at the Brandywine Valley SPCA to discover why. The tour will begin at 10 a.m. Wednesday, July 14 at 1212 Phoenixville, PA 19380. The roundtable discussion will immediately follow the tour. The tour and roundtable discussion are open to the media, but closed to the public. Committee Chair Ryan Bizzarro will join Hanbidge, D-Montgomery, and members of the Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee to discuss the impact of the pandemic on intakes, the concerns of many that pandemic pets may swiftly be abandoned as the state reopens, and the continuing struggle to pay for humane law enforcement. Information about this and other House Democratic Policy Committee hearings can be found at . Read more


How new state budget affects Erie: More money for education, rental assistance

(Jul 09, 2021)

More money for education, health departments, nursing homes, child welfare services and to continue an emergency rental and utility assistance program are bright spots in Pennsylvania's new state budget, local officials say. Read more


Kinkead, Pashinski to discuss driving down drug costs

(Jul 08, 2021)

HARRISBURG, July 8 – The runaway costs of prescription medication will be the focus of a virtual hearing of the Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People hosted by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, Emily Kinkead and Eddie Day Pashinski. The hearing will be held at 1 p.m. Monday, July 12. The media and public are invited to watch online at or on the committee’s Facebook page--@PADemPolicy. Media inquiries may be submitted via email to . Kinkead, D-Allegheny, and Pashinski, D-Luzerne, will be joined by Subcommittee Chair Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee to discuss innovative approaches to reducing drug costs, providing pathways to low-cost prescriptions, and how drug costs factor into Pennsylvania’s healthcare framework. Information about this and other House Democratic Policy Committee hearings can be found at . Read more


Rep. Bizzarro: memorial highway bill signed into law

(Jul 01, 2021)

A longtime community leader in the Erie area will be memorialized by a bill signed into law Wednesday, State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro announced. Read more


Rep. Bizzarro: More than $650,000 granted to Erie County Fire, EMS companies

(Jun 29, 2021)

A large infusion of cash is on its way to Erie County fire and emergency medical service companies to help keep them answering the call for help, day or night. Read more


New legislation will let municipalities use relief funds for certain public transportation projects, awaiting governor's signature

(Jun 29, 2021)

The legislation, sponsored by State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro (D-Erie), will allow municipalities to use American Rescue Plan funds to fulfill local match requirements for projects under the Public Transportation Trust Fund through fiscal year 2022. Read more


More Than $650,000 granted to Erie County Fire, EMS Companies.

(Jun 29, 2021)

State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro announced on Tuesday, that dozens of grants have been awarded across the county. Read more


‘Your silence is deafening’: Here’s who came away empty-handed in this year’s Pa. budget vote | Monday Morning Coffee

(Jun 28, 2021)

“Our municipalities have navigated shut downs and regulations that change by the day,” Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, of Erie, who chairs the House Democratic Policy Committee, said in a statement. Read more


Rep. Bizzarro support for municipal governments included in 2021-22 fiscal code

(Jun 28, 2021)

HARRISBURG, June 26 – Legislation sponsored by Policy Chairman Ryan Bizzarro will permit municipalities to use American Rescue Plan funding to fulfill their local match requirements for projects under the Public Transportation Trust Fund. “Our municipalities have navigated shut downs and regulations that change by the day,” said Bizzarro, D-Erie. “Revenues were nowhere near what they would have been in a regular year and they were hit with all the additional expenses of operating during a pandemic. This legislation eases the burden of transportation improvements, and is the least we can do.” House Bill 1348 — awaiting the Governor’s signature — permits the funding to qualify as a local match for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 fiscal years. “Municipalities across the Commonwealth reached out to me asking for this flexibility. This legislation is about helping our communities recover by using federal dollars to meet their transportation needs,” explained Bizzarro. The Public Transportation Trust Fund provides sustainable funding for programs to help people get back to work, assists those living with disabilities, and supports public transportation infrastructure. Read more


House Democrats: state budget full of missed opportunities

(Jun 25, 2021)

This budget is a first step, and I am committed to continuing on to expand broadband access, support our hospitals and nursing homes, and generate economic opportunity. Pennsylvania needs those investments now. Read more


2022-23 Grant Resource Directory

(Jun 16, 2021)

While the 2022-23 Grant & Resource Directory is not a comprehensive list of every grant program offered in Pennsylvania, it lists the most popular programs and helpful information on state grants and other resources. Read more


Policy Committee vets Fiedler, Krajewski’s administrative fix that would have major impacts on Pa. renters

(Jun 02, 2021)

HARRISBURG, June 2 – Today’s roundtable discussion hosted by state Rep. Rick Krajewski further cemented the need for action on how eviction records are handled in Pennsylvania. Krajewski was joined by state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler, chair of the Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee to discuss how eviction proceedings impact tenants long-term and shared how their legislation would establish eviction expungement procedures. Fiedler explained: “I’m proud to hold his hearing to draw attention to a bill I have, with Rep. Krajewski, that would give people who have faced eviction through no fault of their own, the chance to have their record sealed and move on with their life. An eviction filing can lead to a domino effect of traumatic life-changing events that start with losing your home, and can include losing your community, your support system, your children’s school, your employment and more. We need to do everything we can as a society to prevent that from happening to adults, senior citizens, children and all families.” The committee heard testimony from Catherine Anderson, supervising attorney, eviction diversion program, Philadelphia Legal Assistance; Gale Schwartz, associate director, policy and strategic initiatives, Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania; Anne Wright, chief technology officer, RentHelpPgh; Nicolás Pastore, former legislative intern, Read more


Bizzarro announces $25,000 grant to Presque Isle Light Station

(Jun 02, 2021)

ERIE, June 2 — State Rep. Ryan Bizzarro, D-Erie, announced today that the Presque Isle Light Station is the recipient of a $25,000 grant that will help Presque Isle State Park with the operation of the lighthouse. The funds, awarded via the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission’s Keystone Historic Preservation Grant Program, will allow for the development of a cultural resource management plan for the historic site. A process will be established to aid in the preservation, operation and interpretation of the site. Funds will also be used to help fulfill the PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources’ lease agreement requirements. “The lighthouse has become a beautiful attraction for the park that provides educational and recreational opportunities for our community. This funding will help keep the lighthouse a safe and enjoyable attraction for all who visit,” Bizzarro said. “It gives me great pride to see state investments in our community and I look forward to seeing how the park uses these funds to enhance visitor experiences.” Keystone Historic Preservation Grants are funded by the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission and support projects that identify, preserve, promote and protect historic and archaeological resources of Pennsylvania for both the benefit of the public and the revitalization of communities. Read more


Protections for renters, eviction sealing focus of Wednesday virtual roundtable hosted by Krajewski, Fiedler

(May 28, 2021)

HARRISBURG, May 28 – State Rep. Rick Krajewski, D-Phila., is working on legislation to help people with evictions on their record and the Subcommittee on Progressive Policies for Working People will explore how eviction sealing would impact landlords and tenants. The roundtable discussion will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, June 2. The media and public are invited to watch online at or on the committee’s Facebook page--@PADemPolicy. Media inquiries may be submitted via email to . Subcommittee Chair Elizabeth Fiedler and members of the House Democratic Policy Committee will join Krajewski for the roundtable discussion that will include how current law negatively impacts tenants and protects bad-acting landlords and how the proposed legislation would tackle that using a commonsense approach to ensure Pennsylvanians have access to safe housing. Information about this and other House Democratic Policy Committee hearings can be found at . Read more


Edinboro professors, alumna want more time, details on PASSHE integration plan

(May 22, 2021)

Members of the Edinboro University community told the House Democratic Policy Committee Thursday that consolidating six state schools, including Edinboro, into two would result in a loss of identity, place local communities at risk, and fail to address the core problems facing higher education. Read more


PASSHE consolidation, potential impacts focus of virtual House Democratic Policy Committee hearing

(May 20, 2021)

ERIE, May 20 – Positive and negative impacts of the proposed consolidation of the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education were vetted at today’s House Democratic Policy Committee virtual hearing. The hearing, hosted by committee Chairman Ryan Bizzarro, and state Reps. Peter Schweyer and Emily Kinkead, included testimony from educators, facility management, PASSHE leadership and students. The committee heard testimony from Dr. Sam Claster, Sociology Department Chair, Edinboro University; Lydia Laythe, Washington Township Councilperson in Erie; and Mary Jo Campbell, Professor Emeritus, Edinboro University; who all cautioned that moving forward without hearing from those directly involved in educating students and keeping schools in operation and how consolidation without addressing investment and system strains may not have the desired intention. “The bottom line is Pennsylvania ranks 48th in investment in higher education. If we want to attract and retain Pennsylvania students and prepare them for a successful future, we must address the system’s shortcomings and invest in students so we can build a stronger higher education system that positions Pennsylvania with a vibrant workforce,” explained Bizzarro. “We do need to take our time and take an approach that can have positive, longstanding impacts on our commonwealth.” Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education Chancellor Dr. Daniel Greenstein and Clarion Read more


Development and transparency in digital currencies focus of Nelson’s House Democratic Policy Committee
Jul 19, 2021

Bizzarro launches online Community Help Center
Jul 19, 2021

Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and sandbox legislation focus of Monday’s House Democratic Policy Committee hearing
Jul 16, 2021

Prescription drug pricing reforms essential for public health, and economy
Jul 12, 2021

Pandemic-related animal protections focus of Wednesday tour of Brandywine Valley SPCA
Jul 12, 2021

How new state budget affects Erie: More money for education, rental assistance
Jul 09, 2021

Kinkead, Pashinski to discuss driving down drug costs
Jul 08, 2021

Rep. Bizzarro: memorial highway bill signed into law
Jul 01, 2021

Rep. Bizzarro: More than $650,000 granted to Erie County Fire, EMS companies
Jun 29, 2021

New legislation will let municipalities use relief funds for certain public transportation projects, awaiting governor's signature
Jun 29, 2021

More Than $650,000 granted to Erie County Fire, EMS Companies.
Jun 29, 2021

‘Your silence is deafening’: Here’s who came away empty-handed in this year’s Pa. budget vote | Monday Morning Coffee
Jun 28, 2021

Rep. Bizzarro support for municipal governments included in 2021-22 fiscal code
Jun 28, 2021

House Democrats: state budget full of missed opportunities
Jun 25, 2021

2022-23 Grant Resource Directory
Jun 16, 2021

Policy Committee vets Fiedler, Krajewski’s administrative fix that would have major impacts on Pa. renters
Jun 02, 2021

Bizzarro announces $25,000 grant to Presque Isle Light Station
Jun 02, 2021

Protections for renters, eviction sealing focus of Wednesday virtual roundtable hosted by Krajewski, Fiedler
May 28, 2021

Edinboro professors, alumna want more time, details on PASSHE integration plan
May 22, 2021

PASSHE consolidation, potential impacts focus of virtual House Democratic Policy Committee hearing
May 20, 2021