Markosek: More than $1.34 million in state funding for projects for intersection relocation and retaining wall repair

(Nov 19, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, Nov. 19 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, announced today the Commonwealth Financing Authority awarded $1.34 million to projects that would address traffic hazards in North Versailles Township and shore up a retaining wall at a park in East McKeesport. Markosek said the CFA awarded $1.3 million from its Multimodal Transportation Fund to North Versailles to relocate Naser Road to connect U.S. Routes 30 and 48 to help address recurring traffic issues at the intersection of McKee Road and U.S. Route 30. The project would redesign Naser Road to enter Route 30 at ninety degrees to create a safe entrance and exit way. The project includes a new traffic light, pedestrian sidewalks, a four-way interchange, a turning lane and connectivity to other communities. Markosek said East McKeesport was awarded $40,000 from CFA’s Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program to remove and repair a retaining wall at the East Field Park that is no longer structurally sound. The retaining wall supports the baseball fields and part of an alley at the park. “The funding we secured today will tackle safety concerns that directly impact these communities,” said Markosek. “The improvements slated for North Versailles will help drivers and pedestrians by creating a safer and more direct connection to the area, while the repairs to the East Field Park retaining area will help to ensure the baseball fields remain Read more


Fall 2021 Newsletter

(Nov 18, 2021)

Read my Fall 2021 Newsletter! Read more


Markosek announces $243K in grants awarded to area first responders

(Jun 30, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, June 30 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek announced a total of $243,113 in grants have been awarded to 20 fire and emergency medical services companies. Markosek, D-Allegheny, said the funding is provided by the Fire Company and Emergency Medical Service Grant Program, which is overseen by the Office of the State Fire Commissioner. “First responders showed courage and dedication to their communities in the face of COVID-19, while struggling with the impacts to revenue and resources inflicted by the pandemic,” Markosek said. “Securing this funding will help to support essential needs so that these men and women can continue to keep the neighborhoods they serve safe.” The grants awarded are as follows: Chalfant Volunteer Fire Co.: $11,876. Crestas Volunteer Fire Co. #4: $11,520. Eastern Area Prehospital Service (EMS): $8,993. Fire Department of North Versailles: $13,124. Fire Department of North Versailles (EMS): $8,993. Holiday Park Volunteer Fire Department: $13,302. Monroeville EMS Inc.: $8,282. Monroeville Fire Co. #6: $13,837. Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. #5: $14,193. Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. #4: $15,000. Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. #3: $12,054. Monroeville Volunteer Fire Co. #1: $15,000. Pitcairn Fire Company #1: $12,589. Plum Emergency Medical Service Inc. (EMS): $8,993. Renton Volunteer Read more


Markosek: $50,000 grant awarded to Pitcairn Borough

(Jun 03, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, June 3 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek announced today that Pitcairn Borough was awarded a $50,000 grant from the state Department of Community and Economic Development. Markosek said the borough will use the grant for Opticom lights for emergency vehicles, which allows equipped vehicles to signal traffic lights to give them the right-of-way at intersections, and an asphalt roller. “I’m pleased to have worked with DCED to secure this funding for Pitcairn,” said Markosek, D-Allegheny. “Opticom lights will help to clear the way for our first responders to reach the scene of an emergency, when every second counts. The asphalt roller will be useful for the borough to smooth out any road issues.” Read more


Markosek: $55K to combat blight in Wilmerding, East Pittsburgh

(May 25, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, May 25 – A round of state grants announced today by state Rep. Brandon Markosek will enable Wilmerding to demolish 10 hazardous, unsafe dwellings and will fund an East Pittsburgh plan that aims to restore 80 properties to taxpaying status. Markosek, D-Allegheny, said Commonwealth Financing Authority grants of $30,000 to Wilmerding and $25,000 to East Pittsburgh for blight remediation will make both projects possible. “This wise state investment will help our local communities achieve their goal of eradicating blight and its negative fallout, which includes unsightly, unsafe and undesirable structures,” Markosek said. “Today, we’re taking a big step forward in the quest to turn eyesores into attractive, marketable properties.” Markosek said the Wilmerding demolition project lines up with the borough’s blight remediation plan, as most – if not all – of the 10 structures are tax-delinquent and unsafe for human habitation. Markosek explained that the East Pittsburgh grant will assist the borough in creating tools aimed at mitigating the effects of blight, including how to handle transfers of properties via land banks, conservatorships and sheriff's sales; incentives for owners to maintain their properties; and a plan for properties to be demolished. “East Pittsburgh’s proposed planning project basically will develop a Read more


Spring 2021 Newsletter

(May 20, 2021)

Check out my spring 2021 Newsletter! Read more


Markosek: $375,000 awarded to Pitcairn, East Pittsburgh and East McKeesport for flooding, recreation projects

(Apr 21, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, April 21 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, announced $375,000 in funding awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority for improvement projects in Pitcairn, East Pittsburgh and East McKeesport. A grant from the Flood Mitigation Program was awarded to the following: $300,000 to Allegheny County for the Turtle Creek Maintenance Project in Pitcairn Borough. The project will remove sediment and vegetation from Turtle Creek to improve protection from flooding. The grants from the Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program were awarded to the following: $50,000 to East Pittsburgh Borough for the Trax Playground Project. The borough plans to convert the asphalt dek hockey court into a playground with swings and rubber safety surfacing, as well as repair fencing and renovate the existing horseshoe court. $25,000 to East McKeesport Borough for Josephine Playground improvements, which include installing new playground equipment, a new section of fence, two drinking fountains, two benches, a trash receptacle and rubber scuff pads under the swing set. “These projects bring new life to their communities,” Markosek said. “The Trax Playground area in East Pittsburgh had been abandoned for years; now it will be transformed into a place where children can play. The new equipment and repairs to Josephine Playground will make it a more enjoyable place for families to spend time.” Read more


Markosek announces $125,000 grant awarded for Monroeville code enforcement tool

(Apr 05, 2021)

MONROEVILLE, April 5 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek announced today that the Redevelopment Authority of Allegheny County has awarded $125,000 in Community Infrastructure and Tourism grant funding for a code enforcement data tool in Monroeville. Markosek said the grant will be used for the second phase of Turtle Creek Valley Council of Government’s Code Enforcement Data Tool, which will build capacity to complete the system and get it ready to offer to other towns outside of the program. The data tool is used to track and record the progress of code enforcement violations and resolutions. TCVCOG developed the system to give government officials a way to better enforce their codes and solve problems within their communities. “This code enforcement data tool has helped to resolve issues in TCVCOG member towns before they get out of hand,” Markosek said. “The grant will help to finish the system and eventually allow other communities to use it to improve the quality of life for residents.” CITF grants provide financial assistance to municipalities, councils of government, nonprofits and for-profit businesses to facilitate economic development projects in Allegheny County. Eligible projects include economic development, infrastructure development, job training, community improvement, public safety or public interest. Read more


Allegheny County rental relief program now accepting applications

(Mar 15, 2021)

HARRISBURG, March 15 – Financial assistance is now available to help Allegheny County residents struggling to pay rent or utilities during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of a program that is partially funded by legislation members of the Allegheny County Democratic Delegation helped to pass. The Allegheny County Emergency Rental Assistance program has a total of $79.9 million to distribute to eligible county residents. Of that funding, $43 million came from Act 1 of 2021, which Gov. Tom Wolf signed into law last month. Eligibility requirements for the program include: having at least one person who qualifies for unemployment, has lost income or suffered financially due to COVID-19. being at risk of experiencing homelessness. having a total income below 80% of the Area Median Income for Allegheny County. ACDD Chairman state Rep. Austin Davis, as well as state Reps. Jessica Benham, Dan Deasy, Tony DeLuca, Dan Frankel, Ed Gainey, Sara Innamorato, Emily Kinkead, Anita Kulik, Summer Lee, Brandon Markosek, Robert Matzie, Dan Miller, Nick Pisciottano and Jake Wheatley, issued the following statement: “People living in Allegheny County have been struggling for over a year during this pandemic. This program has been a long time coming and helps provide direct relief to those who’ve been scrambling to pay their rent and bills during this Read more


Markosek bill would establish epilepsy management and training plans in Pa. schools

(Feb 26, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 26 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, is sponsoring legislation that would help prepare teachers and school administrators in the event a student suffers a seizure at school. House Bill 622, to be known as Haley’s Law, would establish procedures for parents to give their child’s school a physician-approved seizure management and treatment plan. It would also connect teachers, faculty and staff with seizure recognition training and basic first aid skills. “If a student suffers a seizure at school, the experience can be traumatic for the student, their classmates and school staff,” Markosek said. “By giving schools the ability to effectively train and plan for such an event, trauma could be minimized, and lives could be saved.” Haley’s Law would be named after Haley Delo, a young Plum, Pa. native who suffered seizures at school when she was 4 and 5 years old. Markosek said Haley’s mom, Victoria Delo, reached out to him to propose a law that would make it mandatory for teachers to be trained to handle a student having a seizure. “Giving our teachers access to epilepsy treatment plans and training will empower them to act quickly if a student suffers an epileptic episode at school,” Markosek said. “This legislation would make our schools safer for students with epilepsy.” House Bill 622 was referred to the House Education Committee where it awaits further action. Read more


House unanimously supports Markosek proposal to exempt COVID-19 stimulus payments from state and local taxes

(Feb 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 5 – Just a day after a committee approved state Rep. Brandon Markosek’s legislation to exempt the two COVID-19 economic stimulus payments from state and local taxes, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives passed it. Markosek’s bill was amended into a larger aid package, which the House unanimously passed this morning. “I’m pleased the House took swift action in considering my bill and deciding to include it in a package that would deliver direct relief to Pennsylvanians,” said Markosek, D-Allegheny. “The bill that passed today will speed up help for people who are in desperate need, including renters and restaurants who are struggling because of the pandemic.” Markosek’s proposal would exempt the two recovery rebates to qualifying individuals and children that Congress authorized under the CARES Act from being counted as income, making them exempt from taxes. The amended bill (S.B. 109) also would exclude the forgiveness of paycheck protection loans from consideration as income, and provide $912 million in relief to help hotels, restaurants, bars and taverns; people struggling to pay rent and utilities; and career and technical centers, community colleges, private and charter schools and the State System of Higher Education. “People are struggling. My measure and this entire bill are designed to help Pennsylvanians better deal with the financial Read more


Committee approves Markosek bill seeking tax exemptions for stimulus payments

(Feb 04, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Feb. 4 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, announced today the House Finance Committee approved his bill to exempt COVID-19 stimulus payments from state and local taxes. Congress issued recovery rebates under the CARES Act to help people and businesses stay afloat during the pandemic. House Bill 359 would exclude those economic stimulus payments from being considered income, making them exempt from state and local taxation. “I believe people should be able to use every cent of their stimulus payment to offset hardships from the pandemic,” Markosek said. “This legislation would help to keep that much-needed money in the hands of those who can use it to further care for their families.” House Bill 359 received unanimous approval at today’s House Finance Committee meeting. The bill now moves to the full House for consideration. Read more


Markosek: Port Perry Bridge project to receive $1M state grant

(Jan 12, 2021)

Grant to fund repairs to 117-year-old railroad bridge in North Versailles Read more


Markosek sworn in for second term representing 25th Legislative District

(Jan 05, 2021)

HARRISBURG, Jan. 5 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, was sworn in Tuesday for a second term as state representative of the 25 th Legislative District. “When I first took office, I set my sights on ensuring the district was well represented at the state Capitol, money was coming back to the district, and that I was taking a stand on issues my community found to be of importance,” Markosek said. “I take great pride in what my community allows me to do here in Harrisburg, and I want to ensure my friends and neighbors that I will continue to fight for their best interests during this legislative session.” Committee assignments for the 2021-22 legislative session have yet to be announced, but Markosek previously served on the Commerce, Gaming Oversight and Professional Licensure committees. The 25 th Legislative District consists of North Versailles Township and the boroughs of East McKeesport, East Pittsburgh, Monroeville, Pitcairn, Plum, Wall and Wilmerding. Markosek invites Allegheny County residents to visit his webpage, , for more information about constituent services. Residents can also connect with him via social media at . Read more


Markosek announces $1 million grant at former Westinghouse headquarters

(Dec 28, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Dec. 28 – More jobs will likely come to Monroeville, announced state Rep. Brandon Markosek, thanks to a $1 million Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program grant that was awarded to a local entity for a renovation project at the Pittsburgh Super Computer Building. “A grant of this magnitude is always exciting, but it’s even better when you know the funding is going to bring jobs to Monroeville,” Markosek said. “That’s what this is all about – making sure things happen in our community that allow residents to prosper. This grant does just that, and I can’t wait to the see the positive outcome of this funding in the near future.” Markosek said the grant awardee, 4350 Propco LLC, will use the funding to make a number of renovations to the building, which also used to be the former location of the Westinghouse headquarters. Specifically, work will include electrical and mechanical upgrades, and amenity upgrades that include a fitness center, outdoor seating and site work, and tenant lounges. The Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program is a grant program administered by the Office of the Budget for the acquisition and construction of regional economic, cultural, civic, recreational, and historical improvement projects. RACP projects are authorized in the Redevelopment Assistance section of a Capital Budget Itemization Act, have a regional or multi-jurisdictional Read more


PA voting guide

(Oct 05, 2020)

PA voting guide Read more


Markosek: $400K awarded for renovation projects in North Versailles Township, Plum Borough

(Sep 15, 2020)

HARRISBURG, Sept. 15 – State Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, today announced that a combined $400,000 was awarded to North Versailles Township and Turtle Creek Council of Governments in Plum Borough. Markosek said the funding was awarded through the Allegheny County Gaming Economic Development Tourism Fund and approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority. “I’m excited to announce this funding,” Markosek said. “Funding like this makes a huge impact in our community, and I look forward to the positives that come from these projects for years to come.” Specifically, Markosek said $250,000 in funding will be used by North Versailles Township for phase two of a project that will complete the LED lighting upgrades at Crestas Ballfield. The remaining $150,000 will be used by Turtle Creek Council of Governments to replace the storm sewer pipes at Holiday Park. The funds originate from the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund Program – a program established to fund community and economic development projects in Allegheny County through revenues generated from all casinos. The funds are determined via a daily assessment of the licensed facility’s gross terminal revenue. The GEDTF program provides grants for single-year and multi-year projects that promote development in Allegheny County, including economic, infrastructure and community improvements, Read more


Summer 2020 Newsletter

(Aug 31, 2020)

Check out my summer 2020 newsletter! Read more


2019-20 grants awarded to our District

(Aug 25, 2020)

Click here to read more about all the grants awarded to our district since I took office! Read more


Markosek: Almost $150K in COVID-19 funding awarded to help local special needs students

(Aug 20, 2020)

MONROEVILLE, Aug. 20 – With challenges never seen before affecting the school year ahead, Rep. Brandon Markosek, D-Allegheny, today announced $147,633 in COVID-19 relief funding has been awarded to local schools to assist students with special needs. “All of our kids will be adjusting to the new routine that COVID-19 has forced on our schools,” Markosek said. “Our special needs students require extra accommodations to deliver all the support they need to succeed. None of these school modifications are ideal, but this money will help to make sure schools can continue to connect students to the services and support that is critical for them to grow academically.” Grants awarded to school districts with schools in the 25th Legislative District are: Woodland Hills School District: $62,080. Plum Borough School District: $26,772. Gateway School District: $25,118. Penn-Trafford School District: $22,166. East Allegheny School District: $9781. Propel Charter Schools – Pitcairn: $1,713. Markosek has been a strong supporter of special education students and the programs that support them. As co-chair of the Autism and Intellectual Disabilities Caucus, he has worked on legislation to help overcome challenges that these students and their families face. “Coronavirus or not, all students need a quality education to thrive, and they can’t afford to miss a year. I want to make sure school Read more


Markosek: More than $1.34 million in state funding for projects for intersection relocation and retaining wall repair
Nov 19, 2021

Fall 2021 Newsletter
Nov 18, 2021

Markosek announces $243K in grants awarded to area first responders
Jun 30, 2021

Markosek: $50,000 grant awarded to Pitcairn Borough
Jun 03, 2021

Markosek: $55K to combat blight in Wilmerding, East Pittsburgh
May 25, 2021

Spring 2021 Newsletter
May 20, 2021

Markosek: $375,000 awarded to Pitcairn, East Pittsburgh and East McKeesport for flooding, recreation projects
Apr 21, 2021

Markosek announces $125,000 grant awarded for Monroeville code enforcement tool
Apr 05, 2021

Allegheny County rental relief program now accepting applications
Mar 15, 2021

Markosek bill would establish epilepsy management and training plans in Pa. schools
Feb 26, 2021

House unanimously supports Markosek proposal to exempt COVID-19 stimulus payments from state and local taxes
Feb 05, 2021

Committee approves Markosek bill seeking tax exemptions for stimulus payments
Feb 04, 2021

Markosek: Port Perry Bridge project to receive $1M state grant
Jan 12, 2021

Markosek sworn in for second term representing 25th Legislative District
Jan 05, 2021

Markosek announces $1 million grant at former Westinghouse headquarters
Dec 28, 2020

PA voting guide
Oct 05, 2020

Markosek: $400K awarded for renovation projects in North Versailles Township, Plum Borough
Sep 15, 2020

Summer 2020 Newsletter
Aug 31, 2020

2019-20 grants awarded to our District
Aug 25, 2020

Markosek: Almost $150K in COVID-19 funding awarded to help local special needs students
Aug 20, 2020