GREAT NEWS! The State Budget passed both the House and Senate and Governor Shapiro has said he will sign it as soon as it lands on his desk. It provides hundreds of millions of dollars – a historic increase -- in new money to schools.

Funding in the 2023-24 budget is targeted to educating our students, creating more family sustaining jobs, helping homeowners stay in their homes, providing mental health services to our communities, getting more State Troopers on duty, supporting all law enforcement, and much more.

All that is left is for the Senate to get the bill to the Governor. Sounds simple right? It is, but Senate Republicans have unilaterally decided to hold the bill in their chamber. This is an unnecessary delay that only hurts our schools, our seniors, our mental health services, State Troopers and so much more.

Please join us in sending the Senate a message. Tell them to free the budget—send it to the governor for final signature. All 13 million Pennsylvanians are counting on us.

Your message will be sent to:
Senator Joe Pittman; Senator Kim Ward; Senator Scott Martin; Your Senator.

Subject line:
Free the Budget!

Email Body:

The House and Senate passed the budget, and Governor Shapiro has said he will sign it into law.  

Please do not unnecessarily hold up critical funding for our children, seniors, local businesses, first responders and other programs that 13 million Pennsylvanians rely on every day.

I am counting on you to put partisan politics aside and do the right thing for Pennsylvanians. Return to Harrisburg and deliver the budget to the Governor immediately.  

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[Your Address]
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