Dozens of extremist Republican House lawmakers voted to raise tuition by up to $10,000 a year on Pennsylvania students attending Penn State, Pitt, Lincoln and Temple universities.

These tuition hikes will make it nearly impossible for countless students to pursue the American Dream, increase the crushing debt students graduate with, and chase students to other states to learn – and to earn.

More than 10 million Pennsylvanians live within a half-hour drive of a Penn State, Pitt or Temple campus. And every one of us benefits from these economic engines that drive job creation and groundbreaking research into medicine, agriculture, and much, much more.

Extremist Republicans are hurting students. They are hurting communities. They are hurting *you* --putting culture wars and scare tactics above supporting students and schools.

Please, contact your lawmaker. Tell them to put people above politics and demand legislative leaders come back to the Capitol and give our universities the tools they need to prepare our students for a lifetime of success, not a lifetime of debt.

Your message will be sent to:
Representative Bryan Cutler; Representative George Dunbar; Representative Joshua Kail; Representative Martina White; Representative Seth Grove; Representative Sheryl Delozier; Representative Timothy O'Neal; Your Representative; Your Senator.

Subject line:
Stop punishing college students and do the right thing!

Email Body:

Please stop putting right-wing culture war politics ahead of our students and working families. Students building a better life cannot afford your massive tuition hikes.

Tell your leaders you want them to get back to Harrisburg immediately and stand up for students and communities. Tell your leaders the people demand that they do their job.

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State ZIP]

Your Information: