The UPS Contract is a win for ALL workers

(Jul 26, 2023)

"A rising tide lifts all boats" -- President John F. Kennedy Read more


Pisciottano, Rozzi rally with Pittsburgh UPS workers

(Jul 21, 2023)

"I will always stand on the side of working people and am hopeful that UPS will come to the table and negotiate a fair contract with their workers," Pisciottano said. Read more


$115K awarded to help Allegheny County veterans in need

(Jul 14, 2023)

PITTSBURGH, July 14 – Pittsburgh area veterans will benefit from new supports and services thanks to $115,000 in funding to three area organizations providing housing, jobs and other critical assistance, members of the Allegheny County Democratic Delegation to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced today. The funding from the Veterans’ Trust Fund includes $40,000 to Veterans Place of Washington Boulevard for support services to homeless veterans, $40,000 to Pittsburgh Hires Veterans for employment services, and $35,000 to Operation Troop Appreciation for financial assistance. “Life is not always easy for those returning home from service. Veterans may struggle with post-traumatic stress and face other obstacles that make it hard to reconnect with their community, find work and afford basic life services,” said Delegation Chair state Rep. Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny. “Today’s funding will help Operation Troop Appreciation do what they do so well – provide critical connections and financial assistance to fellow veterans needing this support. ” “After serving our nation, no veteran should have to feel the anxiety and indignities that go with not having a place to call home,” said state Rep. La’Tasha D. Mayes, D-Allegheny. “This new funding won’t solve the problem of veteran homelessness, but it will help support an important Read more


Pisciottano supports state budget

(Jul 06, 2023)

Highlights education funding, zero tax increases Read more


Allegheny House Dems issue statement on PA budget

(Jul 06, 2023)

"No state budget is perfect, especially when negotiating between a divided state legislature like Pennsylvania’s. While we would have liked to see this budget go further in many ways, it still delivers for Pennsylvanians in key areas." Read more


Infrastructure, Housing, Transportation, and Safety Funding Opportunities

(Jul 05, 2023)

Below are several grant programs that are currently open for applications. PROGRAMS NOW OPEN FOR APPLICATIONS: Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: Support Families of Child Abuse Victims Who May Apply: Non-profits that specialize in providing service for child abuse victims in Pennsylvania. Use: Implementation of a research or evidence-based trauma training to support non-offending caregivers of child abuse victims. Funds: $250,000 in federal Children’s Justice Act funds. Application Deadline: July 6, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency: PA START/STOP Project Who May Apply: Any private non-profit agency, any private for-profit agency, public agency, or unit of local government. Use: The PA START/STOP campaigns aim to increase awareness of the dangers of Opioid abuse, as well as to provide resources to assist parents and caregivers in promoting healthy behaviors among youth to prevent substance use in the first place. Funds: $900,000 in federal State Opioid Response funds. Application Deadline: July 10, 2023 More information: PCCD Website Pennsylvania Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside Who May Apply: Local, county, and tribal governments, transit agencies, schools, school districts, nonprofits, and small Metropolitan Planning Read more


Allegheny House Dems announce $800,000 to help reduce youth recidivism

(Jun 29, 2023)

State grant to support formerly incarcerated young adults Read more


PA House establishes Roberto Clemente Day

(Jun 28, 2023)

Adopts resolution commemorating baseball legend, humanitarian Read more


PA House passes Pisciottano, Green bill to protect hotel workers

(Jun 20, 2023)

Legislation to require hotel staff be equipped with panic buttons Read more


PA House passes Pisciottano bill to help fill borough official vacancies

(Jun 07, 2023)

“This bill would simply remove government red tape that hinders progress in boroughs across the commonwealth,” said Pisciottano. “Devoted public servants should not be excluded from running for an elected position just because they work within the borough. In some cases, borough employees may possess the most relevant experience and qualifications for these offices, and they deserve the same opportunity to run as anyone else.” Read more


Rep. Pisciottano's Weekly Email Update - Updates from Harrisburg, Fish for Free, Property Tax/Rent Rebate Deadline, and more!

(May 26, 2023)

Applications for the Whole-Home Repairs Program will soon open. Read more


Allegheny House Dems: $324,000 awarded to Senior Community Centers

(May 18, 2023)

State grants fund improvements at four local senior centers Read more


Allegheny House Dems announce up to $2.4 million to help fight substance use disorder

(May 11, 2023)

“Addiction has destroyed the lives of individuals and families in every type of community throughout Allegheny County,” said delegation chair Rep. Nick Pisciottano. “While we can’t repair the damage done, we can invest in and expand resources available to those struggling now and help prevent future tragedies. These grants will directly aid individuals on the road to recovery in our region.” Read more


Three Pisciottano bills pass through PA House

(May 04, 2023)

“I’m a firm believer that getting things done requires working across the aisle and am especially proud that all three of my bills passed this week received bipartisan support,” Pisciottano said. Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House

(May 03, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 3 – Today, H.B. 950 , introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would enshrine Pennsylvania workers’ right to organize in the state constitution passed the Pennsylvania House and now heads to the PA Senate for consideration. Currently, the Pennsylvania Constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 by the House is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers and expressed gratitude to her House colleagues who voted for the bill. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth. Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation,” Fiedler said. “I am grateful to all my colleagues in the House who voted for the bill, and I now call on the Senate to show their support for Pennsylvania’s workers and move this amendment forward.” Pisciottano said it’s important everything possible be done to protect and support workers’ right to organize. Read more


Pisciottano announces $75,000 for West Mifflin School District

(May 03, 2023)

State grant to expand dual credit programs Read more


Allegheny County schools awarded $650,000

(May 03, 2023)

PDE grants support dual credit enrollment for high school students Read more


Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee

(May 01, 2023)

HARRISBURG, May 1 – Legislation ( H.B. 950 ) introduced by state Reps. Elizabeth Fiedler, D-Phila., and Nick Pisciottano, D-Allegheny, which would give Pennsylvania workers the right to organize, was reported out of the House Labor and Industry Committee today. Currently, the Pennsylvania constitution does not guarantee workers the right to organize and collectively bargain. This legislation proposes to amend Article I of the Pennsylvania Constitution to enshrine these rights for all workers in Pennsylvania. Additionally, the bill would prohibit any other laws that may interfere with or diminish collective bargaining rights. Fiedler said that the passage of H.B. 950 is a step in the right direction for Pennsylvania workers. “Workers fuel our economy. They are the mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles of our commonwealth,” Fiedler said. “Workers deserve to be treated with respect and that’s exactly the goal of this legislation. The Workers’ Rights Amendment will support workers in using their numbers to secure better pay, hours and working conditions.” Fiedler and Pisciottano believe that workplace organizing should be a right, but anti-union employers routinely threaten and scare workers in anti-union workplace seminars, bombard workers with anti-union literature, and bring in consultants that use surveillance technology to sniff out the organizers and fire them. Under the Read more


Pisciottano: Working Pennsylvanians are being ripped off

(Apr 20, 2023)

Reintroduces Stop Price Fixing Act to protect consumers from price gouging Read more


Pisciottano secures $106,000 for Glassport Police Department

(Apr 14, 2023)

DCED grant to purchase truck for commercial vehicle inspections Read more


The UPS Contract is a win for ALL workers
Jul 26, 2023

Pisciottano, Rozzi rally with Pittsburgh UPS workers
Jul 21, 2023

$115K awarded to help Allegheny County veterans in need
Jul 14, 2023

Pisciottano supports state budget
Jul 06, 2023

Allegheny House Dems issue statement on PA budget
Jul 06, 2023

Infrastructure, Housing, Transportation, and Safety Funding Opportunities
Jul 05, 2023

Allegheny House Dems announce $800,000 to help reduce youth recidivism
Jun 29, 2023

PA House establishes Roberto Clemente Day
Jun 28, 2023

PA House passes Pisciottano, Green bill to protect hotel workers
Jun 20, 2023

PA House passes Pisciottano bill to help fill borough official vacancies
Jun 07, 2023

Rep. Pisciottano's Weekly Email Update - Updates from Harrisburg, Fish for Free, Property Tax/Rent Rebate Deadline, and more!
May 26, 2023

Allegheny House Dems: $324,000 awarded to Senior Community Centers
May 18, 2023

Allegheny House Dems announce up to $2.4 million to help fight substance use disorder
May 11, 2023

Three Pisciottano bills pass through PA House
May 04, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano Right to Organize legislation passes House
May 03, 2023

Pisciottano announces $75,000 for West Mifflin School District
May 03, 2023

Allegheny County schools awarded $650,000
May 03, 2023

Fiedler, Pisciottano ‘Right to Organize’ bill clears House Labor & Industry Committee
May 01, 2023

Pisciottano: Working Pennsylvanians are being ripped off
Apr 20, 2023

Pisciottano secures $106,000 for Glassport Police Department
Apr 14, 2023